Quick Intro for Andy


New Member
Hello all.

I use to ride and commute on my motorcycle but gave up daily riding when it just became all freeway riding. California freeways can suck the soul of motorcycle riding right out of you.

Now that I am a little older and have a fascination with Chinese imports I decided to build a motorized bicycle. I like the idea of just a simple bike with a two-stroke on it to putter around on. Building it from a "Cheep, Cheerful and Chinese" kit is even more intriguing.

Still need to get a bike, but have an engine on order. Now I have my three year old daughter making two stroke sounds!, "Ringgggggggg, neeng engengengengegneng, poof!"

Glad to be here.

You have seen this Power Point right?

It was in the news recently that Ford is selling off its Land Rover and Jaguar car company to TaTa Motors of India. Probably these line of cars are going to sound like the Ferrari that is produced in India pretty soon.

oops! Can't upload it with the 97Kb zip limit. Just search for "FerrariFormula1.pps" in Google. I extracted the 2 stroke sound, play it and pretend to shift with my daughter at the keyboard.

Hey Andy, welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Ring neeng neeng. I like that sound. Glad you joined us. Don't be afraid to ask questions everyone is here to help....................