question about Bikeberry and or enginesonlineshop

i followed the directions on putting the bikeberry motor together and it doesn't work after 8 weeks of the purchase. someone said i shouldn't follow the bikeberry instructions and throw them in the trash and they said i need to put the bike away and read hours and hours of instructions on how to make the bike work instead of calling customer service for help. i stated that i regret the purchase and would never purchas again from that company. they told me that it was my error, operator error and not the motor kit. sounds like a lot of BS.
i followed the directions on putting the bikeberry motor together and it doesn't work after 8 weeks of the purchase. someone said i shouldn't follow the bikeberry instructions and throw them in the trash and they said i need to put the bike away and read hours and hours of instructions on how to make the bike work instead of calling customer service for help. i stated that i regret the purchase and would never purchase again from that company. they told me that it was my error, operator error and not the motor kit. sounds like a lot of BS.
T bone
Whats wrong with it?
I had a real hard time getting mine started the first time
I finally got it started by putting a little gas in the spark plug whole put the plug back and got it to start right up.
If you need any help PM me I live in Dallas as well maybe I can help,.
I personally have ordered from bb and from fleabay and you may have issues with these kits. I dont quite know off the top of my head but a member of this forum has a signature that goes something like"its a china girl, no it doesn't come with a fortune cookie" anD from my own personal experience if you speak correctly and be polite id bet your experiences would have an all around better outcome...oh and opinions are like a$$ho!es...everyone has one and the majority stink in one way or another...and I dont leave myself out of that statement
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i try to stay away from bike berry ,,they suck ,,unless its a simple part ,,you ask them questions ,,i got no help ,,the info i got was a joke ,i think there operators also take orders for multiple products ,,not just bike parts