Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs
I finally got my NGK BR9HIX spark plug in, which was the last piece I was waiting for to install the new head. I was shocked that I could not find one locally, so I ordered 2.
With the BGF RB80 motor, which I am pretty sure is the same as the Grubee GT5a with 6mm studs, the Puch 70cc hi hi head fits perfectly, I did not need to modify it at all.
I test fit the head without any head gaskets, just to make sure that it would go on, and I verified that the piston will hit the head without the gaskets. I had ordered two new head gaskets for the 6mm 66cc motor from SBP and already coated them in spray copper gasket maker, so I slipped on the gaskets, put on the head, then tightened up the head nuts in a Z pattern.
Unfortunately the only torque wrench I could find that goes down to inch pounds uses the smaller drive, what is it, 1/4"? And my 10mm socket that fits is was too short, so I had to tighten them by feel using my longer 10mm socket on my "regular" socket wrench. So this evening I need to go out and see if I can either find an extension to fit the socket, or preferably a deep socket.
Oh yeah, and I switched to 93 octane a few days ago in preparation for the new head.
Riding impressions: love it! I was afraid my clutch was going to slip, but she fired right up. Noticeably more torque down low and mid range and the engine noise seems a tad less raspy. Usually if I let the clutch out around 10 MPH (this is with a 36 tooth sprocket), I still have to pedal quite a bit to get my 195 lb self going. With the new head, from 10+ she pulls on her own
I really am not sure about the high end since I think my CDI is unhappy. With the stock head I would start getting what sounds like pinging in a series of machine-gun style spurts starting around 33 MPH, which would kill the power. I could get her up to 37 MPH, but she tops out around there, which feels limited by the pinging. I was hoping going to 93 octane would help, but nope. I get the same behavior with the Puch head, except I get there faster
My Jaguar CDI should be here next week, so we will see if the CDI really was the culprit...