Puch head on a 66cc HT bicycle engine with 6mm studs

Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs

I'm just about where your at with the break in process. I'll have to try either one or no gaskets soon!
Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs

Cool. Compression will also increase as the rings seat over time and miles.
Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs

Removed 1 of the gaskets and I am pretty positive it doesn't hit. I would expect a whole lot of extra vibes and a clanking style noise if it did. So far cant tell if there was any difference, regardless the bike runs amazing! my favorite mod so far
Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs

Has anyone run this head? Link below. Why are we still using the stock head gaskets? I have been running my engines with no head gasket, just lapped the two together and a tiny tiny, did I say tiny, just enough to make it look wet amount of FormaGasket. I have done a lot to these engines, in the end my two stock ones are my favorites. They have lots of miles on them and I use them at least once a day. Have fun, Dave
Re: Puch head on a 66cc HT with 6mm studs

^ It's kinda weird, it seems more and more people these day's are hearing some kind of pinging/detonation ( Me included ) from these little mills. In fact two, out of three engines, all from BGF have done this ( slant heads ). That is one of the reasons I started running a colder plug than most. Seems to help alot, but does not eliminate it completely, even with premium gas... weird, just weird....

My opinion about the "pinging" is that it's actually made by the fins ringing at certain rpm's...I stared hearing it on my Pig recently and tore my motor down looking for preigniton and detonation evidence. Found nothing. Then I got to thinking, a lot of older japanese bike engines had rubber spacers in the cooling fins to quiet them down. Has anyone tried this on the ht's? Worth a try...