Proto--type clutch pucks

i only mentioned it because the subject of using oil was brought up. I don't really know what clutch plates were made of but it could very well have been carbonium. it's been years but I can remember the plates where a very hard, redish coloured and hard as a rock. Each friction plate was separated by a thin metal clutch plate with little bumps on them.
I'd still like to hear that you put a cup of oil in there and it worked!

I think the design of the HT clutch won't work for making it a wet clutch for a couple of reasons. One would be that the spring rate of the pressure plate is too weak and another reason is there isn't enough pad contact surface. We tried using different types of oil and none really worked. It slipped to the point that you couldn't start the bike by popping the clutch.
It would be sweet if someone could invent a wet clutch set up for a HT motor however it would take a lot of R&D and $ to get it off the ground. IMO, I think most MB riders wouldn't pay around $200 for a wet clutch because for that much $, you might as well buy a Morini or 4 cycle motor.
We just wanted to offer a better quality clutch pucks for the dry stock set-up.
EZ rider what kinda engine do you have and do they make spare clutches for it? my bike has square clutch pads and i would rather have the round ones. i would need to replace it tho since the squares are glued in place.
I'll be darned,

I saw a clutch like that where they were restoring an old 1950 Hudson Commodore
for an antique car museum. It had pucks in it too that I think the guy said were
some kind of material like brake linings were made of. I guess it worked well in those
Where can I get a set of these that you guys are playing with? I have the round puck setup to and the disc are wearing quickly. The last two engines ive had had this setup The first engine came from Bike Berry and had disc made from a ceramic pad lookin material. Three of the pucks broke and the clutch started to slip on startup. The second engine(current) is a Dax 80cc and its got the round disc but they are more like a auto clutch disc material with the woven loom in it. Either way they are wearing fast and i wanna find some replacements. Lemme know how and when you can scratch me up a set. Thanx ...... Billy
I Need These Also. ASAP!!!

My clutch is fried. I was flying up a drawbridge in 3rd gear and my clutch started slipping.
By the time I got 3/4 home it was barely engaging. I pulled over for a clutch adjustment, and there was nothing left to adjust.

The pads are fried. They lost 40,000ths from stock new pads.

I have the Round Pucks.


I have the Gulf Coast Bike Run coming up on the 21st.

How much are they??????

