Problems with the rear tire not rolling


New Member
So I just bought the yaheed 80cc motor kit off of Amazon and I got everything put together but for some reason when I try to pedal to start the bike it doesnt want to pedal. Not only this but when i pull the clutch to roll it out of my garage the rear wheel continues to bot move
Welcome to the forum, it sounds like your clutch is stuck or the cable is not adjusted correctly. Remove the right side cover and see if the disc moves when you pull in the handle. Some are stuck, tap slightly with a hammer on the plate to free it. Before you put the cover back on add a small amount of grease to the gears.
Remember you are now rotating the clutch shaft with two sprockets and the chain, it will be hard to pedal till it loosens up.
Everyone of the bikes I’ve built did the same thing, after running for a while it does pedal easier but will not be like it was without the engine.
If you can hear the engine turning over( hear the piston cycling) the clutch is not adjusted correctly or the disc is stuck. Move the clutch arm at the engine all the way in by hand and see if the bike will roll.