please help


New Member
I am new to the motor bike world, but am quite exited to explore it. and yes it was inspirered by the price of gas. I am 41 and have enjoyed all types of motor sports all my life.I have been looking at the stuff on and found what I want. The problem is it seems that this guy is a internet thug. can someone help me find what I want.
4cycle honda kit (GHX50 motor)
stretch limozine frame.

I would love the help.
Dose this sound like a 40 mile a day, dependabale ride?

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Welcome to the forum. Click on thatsdax to the left of the page. He has a great reputation. I bet he can get you whatever you need..................
Oh No! Stay away from that guy!! I have never bought anything from him but I know of many people that have and have been screwed. I did try to help a guy out with missing parts from his kit and contacted that guy. What a A-hole, he chewed me out for no reason. I did not believe the guy I was trying to help that this guy was that bad, boy was I wrong.
Yes, try, I have heard nothing but good thing's from him. As far as the limo frame, don't know much about them or where to get one. I'm sure someone here does.

Welcome to the forum :D
i have a titan 4 stoke on order from thats dax. i have talked to others that have one and they say it is awesome. i know duane has well over 1,000 miles on his and no problems at all. welcome and glad to have you with us
Thanks for the greating and advise. I have been gathering info before I buy. this titan seems to one of the best deals going. now I need to find a used full suspention bike on craigslist ( so I have money to do upgreads) . So I will keep everyone posted. Thanks for all the help.
I buy my engines from ebay, same guy for 4 years and each time I get a newer and better model than the last one. Stuff like better controls, better sprocket, tensioner, cables and he's relatively cheap. I just got 3 at $160 each with shipping. I don't know him or endorse him (because I don't know him) it's just a buy and order thing. But the last motors I got actually seem superior to the past ones. They are quieter, smoother by far, fast starting and stronger. I have been buying the 80 cc lately because of the smoothness of the running engine. I even made a bike for my non-mechanical friend, (I hope he doesn't read this) and he is doing nothing but riding it around having fun.

The only drag is that it takes 5 days to get to me from California. Sometimes I am Jonesing (a drug culture term from the 60's, I don't use drugs) to build a bike sooner, but that's part of the gig I guess. I think that since is a forum and ideas and recommendations should be shared I might as well tell you my seller. I think the guy is Chinese but he uses the name Rick. On ebay his seller name is BoyGoFast. I, like you, just enjoy buzzing around and having fun, that's the only reason I buy and make and sell and give these to my friends. I have given away more than I sell, much more. I am certainly in the hole for a couple(s) of hundreds of dollars. OK, thousands.

My friend Wayne actually contacted a Chinese distributor and found out that he can get pallet of 50, 80 cc motors for $60 each. Still that's $3K. But that's probably what the sellers are getting them for. I did the search myself, wholesale 80 cc bicycle engines, China dealers. I can get the actual web site if anyone's interested in buying a ship load of motors.

Nevertheless, I don't care to buy that many motors. I just wanna have fun on them and fortunately I figured out how to build them so that they are reliable, part-fall-off-free and impressive to my friends and neighbors. Two of my major observations, chain sprocket line-up and Lock-tite thread locker. But you already know that.

PS I have some wonderful new photos to show but the forum will not allow me to post them. I guess I will keep trying. Some beautiful shots of the Sebastian River with bright glossy shots of a new Kuluna with a black engine.

Kip Now in Melbourne,


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i bought my first motor from boygofast also and it was not what the ad said it was and hard to comunicate with him and he is not to fast to answer questions when he did. it was supposed to have the over sized tube mount and it did not and all he said was sorry he had got mixed up with another motor when he did the ebay ad and would not send me one. no big deal i made my own just kinda pissed me off. i highly recomend dax. my new motor i ordered from him a titan and i have had more questions then you can imagine and probably driving him crazy. he was always quick to answer my questions and help me all he can. i have talked to others that bought from him and all of them happy and they had good experiences with him not only before the sale but after the sale as well. also kip pm me with the error message you are getting when trying to post the pictures and let me see if i can correct it
After three long days and nights of web surfing, reading this forum, and crunching the numbers I think I figured out the best for me. It will definitely be a full suspension mouton bike with a Titan 4-stroke rear mount ( from thatsdax) with an extra fuel tank. I will need to get the puncture proof (ha ha) tires. I thought I would also change the handle bars for comfort, and upgrade the rear rim to a 26" 36-spoke with beefier spokes. I am looking for the ultimate in reliability and comfort. Hope I'm on the rite track