Pix of the 3+miles of road I ride before seeing pavement


thanks for the pics.

I own rural property that I retreat to every chance I get. Eventually I will retire there. It backs up to the Mount Tipton Wilderness - I will never have a neighbor.

Snakes, lizards, quail, rabbits - all familiar sights. The ravens nest is a joshua tree on the property every year. Turkey Vultures are as close as we get to turkeys in the desert however.

What do you do for a living? Farming?


thanks for the pics.

I own rural property that I retreat to every chance I get. Eventually I will retire there. It backs up to the Mount Tipton Wilderness - I will never have a neighbor.

Snakes, lizards, quail, rabbits - all familiar sights. The ravens nest is a joshua tree on the property every year. Turkey Vultures are as close as we get to turkeys in the desert however.

What do you do for a living? Farming?


Yep just have to love the peace and quiet of country living, I will post some more pix here in a couple days of the long ride home from a mag failure on one of my bikes which happened this last Friday, several miles of peddling and walking and peddling and walking......mainly up hill and against the windto make it even worse.... I was pooped time I got home, but I kinda enjoyed it also, the exercise was good for me.

No Im not a farmer sir, I do own a tractor and I shred grass around here and use the front end loader a lot for cleaning up brush and other things, Ive always tried to have a nice garden and I do come from a long line of farmers, but thats kind of a dying way of life around here other than livestock.

Im just a regular working cless fella and been with the same company now for just over 20 years, its in the telecommunications industry, the manufacturing end of it is where I work.
Well in spite of the long very grueling many mile peddling ride home the other day because of a failed mag coil on the Grasshopper bike, I did get to see some fairly nice scenery as I rode then walked the bike a while, then rode and walked...blah blah blah....

I said I would share some pix so here they are, nothing special, but seeing all the green here in central Texas is nice since we've been in such a drought for a few years now.

The last pic is the final stretch, the top of this hill is 2 miles from the white shop building you can see in the distance which is my uncles who live 1/2 up the road from me.

For those of you who enjoy pictures of whatever, I hope you enjoy these Central Texas Hill country pix.




