New Member
Very cool site you folks have here. You know you're crazy for building and riding these things right? That's why I signed up!
I just ordered a 70cc engine and a 36T sprocket from Dax and will be sending for an XYZ Beach Cruiser in a week or so.
I've been really into this thing for about a month now, and have been reading and learning alot from you guys, (you know you're crazy, right?) I'd like to learn how to tear these engines down and rebuild them with high performance components to make it really worth it.
I see alot of people from Arizona on here too; nice.
I just ordered a 70cc engine and a 36T sprocket from Dax and will be sending for an XYZ Beach Cruiser in a week or so.
I've been really into this thing for about a month now, and have been reading and learning alot from you guys, (you know you're crazy, right?) I'd like to learn how to tear these engines down and rebuild them with high performance components to make it really worth it.
I see alot of people from Arizona on here too; nice.