Pendine, the Welsh record beach.

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
I'm going to Pendine Sands in September for a weekend when the bikes are having a speed meeting. Pendine village is down on the southwestern corner of the Principality, and the beach there was used for speed record attempts before WW2. After that time, the army used it as a firing range for years.

There are different organisations using it during the year, and other events besides vehicles playing on the sand.

Now, I am not going to set myself a target just yet, but I'd like some help here. If somebody was going to set a world record on a powered really loony abnormal two wheeler, what would it be?
If you're asking how fast you'd have to go to break a land speed record, I'm pretty sure the current record for a 49cc engine is 144.97 mph.
The engine size is unimportant. What I am looking for is the silliest way of travelling fast on two line astern wheels.
A world record is always difficult. The 50cc record holder is John buddenbaum (buddfab). He built a 50cc turbocharged streamliner. He told me he had tried turboing bigger 2-strokes, and there was not the same power gain per ccc. I.e. 100cc. He and his crew pumped 20hp from one and the streamliner topped out at almost 150mph.

I think it would be best to start with a 250cc v-twin 2-stroke... superkart style...
There are different classes of record, standing start, flying, kilometre and mile, I knew somebody picked up a forgotten class and bagged a record at Elvington airfield with a Suzuki TS100 engined minimalist bike.

No, it's the propulsion, I think that needs to be silly.
Oh! My poor, dear old thing, how dreadful for you! Have you considered a pneumatic drill? It may be the only way!
The accommodation is booked for September. My friends are already enthusiastic about joining me.

