our Motorized Bicycle friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Ape hangers....running hard....five crashes....O.K., I'll say it.

You must like it.

Get well soon, and do it again.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

....and start wearing a good helmet if you don't already, otherwise it's hard to do much when you are laying there with a few tubes for feeding and waste, medicated out so you don't pull your permanent I.V.'s out, and drooling.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

well my job is a delivery driver for a place called potato shack im the best driver they hve and also paid the highest also for what i do its legal that we can drivve in and out of city trafic on these things and i have a wife and kids and im the only one who works an have to do what i have to do

hey check out spooky tooth cycles they have neck stems steal 4 bolt bmx style ones for 10 bucks from wjat the web page said

well im going to build a full suspesion one im going to buy full body armor and a helmet finally

come on i drive a normal speed on 35-40 all day long
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

BMX stems are the best generally. They are designed to handle all a teen to young adult can dish out..


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Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

hey check out spooky tooth cycles they have neck stems steal 4 bolt bmx style ones for 10 bucks from wjat the web page said

What's ironic is that's the cheapest priced on of all of them and probably the strongest. The other ones? Cosmetic.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

turbo/chaos: Hope you're doing well. Best regards to the fam.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Full body armor and a good helmet sounds like a plan to me. Then you can go fearless into the night and throw your body down any street you see fit.

It makes you feel more invincible than you already are too.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

yeah its a great felling doing 50 with a whole swarm of cars and standing your ground arm with nothing more then a 50-90 pound bicycle stomping in and out of traffic and its crazy here as it is reason we have at least 120,000
drunk students here in town plus a ton of pissed of rednecks in big dullys

and there is no respect for any one on two whells but also that same day i was challenged to a race to a down hill chalenge since i have been known to do 40+ mph peddaling a non motor bicycle well i still whent freshly brovken collar bone and herad the rich punk nevere shold up

well hope to be back on the road as soon as i can get the new one bulit
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Sorry to hear about your bad luck. Hope ya heal up quick and can rejoin the rest of us soon. :bike2:
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Turbo I heve one thing to sa. GET A HELMET, AND WEAR IT. The next time it may not just be your color bone that gets broken. If your head would have hit you would realy be out of the game.

We like you, yes we think you are nuts, but that is why we like you.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

helmets work it was proven to me, it can save you! i will not even test any bike without it now,


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Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Marc what ran over you, I have tacoed wheels before but that involved a knee throuh it, that looks loke a jump acedent or a tbone acdent. whitch one???:crash:
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

Wow Marc! Glad to see your still with us!!
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

That was a tire in the gutter, over the bars launch event.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

That was a tire in the gutter, over the bars launch event.

LOL Yes that is correct, one week later and i wish i had it on film, rotfl

But it hurt like the dickens, I changed the wheel on my bike and it statred NP
I see the Doc tommrow after I cannot wait to ride again, To add insult to injury literally The bus made me late for work today!!!!!:(

PS Safety sun glasses are good idea too! impact resitant ones from home depot saved my right eye!!!
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Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

So I took the BMX gooseneck salvaged from a 5 dollar thrift store salvage bike and I made a sad discovery.

Pic 1: Cresent wrench to show you size of gooseneck shaft.

Pic 2: compared to BMX gooseneck it's too large. :(

Don't forget to check this before you tear out that old gooseneck by spreading apart the clamp so you don't have to remove your grips.


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Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

There are a number of sizes and the old school sizes were .833" or 21.15 mm, 22.2 mm and a 25.4 mm I believe I think you have a fork that takes a 21.1 stem which is .833 inch and the one you tried to use is probably 25.4 or 22.2 mm. You have to be very specific with these measurements. A shim can be used if there is a too large fork using a smaller stem, but this is not ideal. Good luck and this is where a used junk bike is seldom all junk and may provide a piece you need for a future build.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

I just recently received the bill from my trip to the hospital ER. I fractured an elbow and a wrist the second time I rode my motorized bike. Some idiot made a right turn in front of me and I locked the wheels up end ended going over my handle bars. What made it interesting is that I rode the bike to the hospital 8 miles away. My right hand was okay so I was able to work the throttle. I couldn't use the clutch so I had to pedal start the motor and use the kill switch to stop it at every light.

What a trip.
Re: our MB friend 'Turbo/Chaos' just broke his collarbone

D@mn man. A helmet, even a bike helmet rather than a DOT helmet could save your melon some day. Don't end up being a drooling veggie that your family has to take care of for life. When I was in college a professor had a guy and his wife come in to class (for an education course for teaching special ed someday) to talk about his traumatic brain injury. He had been a professor at my college, bought a nice house on the main street in town and was out riding his road bike one day when a drunk college student hit him. He was NOT wearing a helmet. Endo crasho he lands on his head. That was 5 years previous to my class.

He came in wheeled by his wife in a wheel chair. He's had a 6 figure income partially paid for by the paper companies. His wife told us the story while he occasionally mumbled some words. His wife started to cry in front of us, a groups of 30 strangers, when she told us that work had ceased on the house because they could no longer afford it, he was on disability and that barely covered the bills. Taking care of him was a full time job but she was counting the days when she could go back to work. Still she talked about the hope that someday he would walk again; but that she was aware that he would never be able to teach again, he couldn't think the way he used to. After all this he started to tell us in halting mumbling speech that the worst part about the whole thing was that he could remember the way that he was, and that it was frustrating to not be able to wrap his mind around a scientific concept the way he used to.

HIs wife went on to tell us about the personality changes, angry outbursts and other assorted issues. She also talked about how when he first came home she had to change his diapers.

Dude don't be that guy, a burden to your family for life. Wear a helmet.