Old person, new hobby, Glendale, AZ


New Member
Well, not really old, turn 70 next month and a guy older than me is running for President )

$4 gas started a friend of mind into wanting to beat the system. He already has a bike and we are going to convert his and then put together my new one which I am still looking for.

Ordered a Honda GXH50 and it should be here tomorrow. Will use it to judge if a frame has enough space.

Gave up trail bikes back in the 90's as I don't bounce a well as I use to and it takes longer to mend.

I have torn down premix & oil pumper 2 cycles and any number of 4 cycles. (generators, pressure washers, etc.)

Already have learned a lot from the group. realizing that a bike with a motor takes a lot more upkeep to take the 20 MPH pounding. Glad I found you all. Jim
hi jim and welcome! you will find these are not only fun to work on and ride but we all get a special pride with our motorized bicycles, hard to explaine but they become a part of us. not like any other vehicle we have ever had. i think it is from putting it all togather ourselfs for our comfort and what we want to use it for and they actually run lol. glad to have you with us
Glad to have you aboard, so there is hope for me after all. I'm 63. Yes there is a lot of upkeep on the bikes but they are fun and cheap to operate and repair. I did a ring job before mine ever left the yard but it only cost me 15bucks to do it, try doing that with a car.

My big complaint is with the add on parts and the chain situation which really is with the tensioner which is also an add on. Once i corrected my stupid mistake my engine has been just fine.
Aw heck, my Dad just broke his leg on a dirt bike last summer and he's 75! My step mother says he's done with the dirt bikes...

Welcome, you should have no problems maintaining what ever kit you decide to mount.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of us "more mature" folks here. And we have some of the best motorized bicycle enthusiasts in the world right here.....................
Welcome Jim, the guy's here are awesome. I'm just south of you in Tucson, glad to have you with us. (^)
Thanks all for the welcomes. The "handles" are as interesting as anything else. ) I belong to a group that has a tendency to use handles and the "Joe's" reminded me of Old Joe, Young Joe, Tall good looking Joe, and a couple more.

I have my Honda GXH50 (Small Engine Warehouse) in hand and have the GruBee in frame kit (Five Flags) on the way, Will take the engine and mount bike shopping. COSTCO has a Schwinn Midtown model wt. shock fork, shock seat post and spring swinging rear wheel. Not sure if a spring loaded derailer sprocket (in place of the idler) would work to keep the chain tight enough?

I also have seen a Raleigh that offers most of the same (solid rear fork) and is in the same price range.

Interestingly I have been to maybe a dozen bile shops so far and have had a very good receiption when I told them what I planned to do with it Read a thread about being shown the door by some shops located in Tucson, our sister city to the South. I lived there12 years and can say Tucson is "different" and possibly a little short in distance between the eyes. )

This all reminds me of the "trail cycle" start up of the 60s and 70s. I rode Yamaha 2 strokes and my buddy (100# lighter rode a Honda Trail 90. My 2nd and 3rd Yamahas were oil pumpers so eliminate most of the smoke and having to premix. (Still have a 71, 175 in storage) My budy bought a transmission for his Honda. A short chain connected it to the engine. It mounted on the rear fork and had a switch between two drive sprockets. A second driven sprocket was added to the wheel. Problem was it was difficult to get both chains the proper length without idlers for each.

My original 80 step through really carried my load pretty well. Did change to a larger rear sprocket to help it. Seized the piston several times in the boonies and did a top end overhaul on the trail. Pulling the stem out of the tubes was an other item that bikes shouldn't have. Finally they got rim locks to hold the tires. Enough of the old days. Power to the bikes in the days of the $4 gas. Jim