Intrepid Wheelwoman
New Member
Hi Anne,
I kind of thought you might be having a rough go of things lately. I guess it is part of our getting older, moving slower, laid low a bit more easily and taking longer o heal up when were hurt ourselves. Fasteddy, too, is having a lot of trouble with his knee, but seems to be on the slow mend.
I have no real ailments at the moment, but still find myself moving slower, feeling less motivated and napping more. I'll be taking over an apartment in town in a month and will be spending my summers and fair weather months here in the forest near a fresh water lake and the cold months in town at the little apartment. I spend more time thinking about the bike projects than actually working on them, but slow is good, too. No hurry for anything.
Wishing you all good things, Anne. Take good care of yourself...
Thank you Silverbear

I talked with my doctor about mobility scooters at my last appointment and she agrees with me that using my tricycle is the best solution for me. I am able to walk with a stick, it's just that I can go further on my tricycle and I don't suffer anything like the same level of pain and discomfort afterwards. Perhaps one day I will need a mobility scooter, but so long as I'm able to pedal myself about I'm going to stick with my Hercules tricycle.