Old biker, new member

Hey Austin, one of my fav cities and a bike heaven (even with traffic) used to bike over from Houston and spend the weekend at Town Lake & 7th. St. tambien. Electric trikes front wheel motor, batteries low in the rear. Yep the future of transportation and blissfully quiet! One more project, but it will have to wait in line till I finish two gas bikes and resto/mod a Simplex motorcycle/bike- have a plan to convert it to a peddle bike like a Whizzer only utilizing a chain drive and a 14 horse 5 speed 4 cycle engine. I do like the electrics and thanks for the welcome!
Welcome to the forum, Rick. You made a comment about the civility of this forum and I concur. Our moderators do a great unpaid service to the rest of us. Our fearless leader Paul has set the tone here and we have some truly fine members who are willing to share, advise and encourage others. I look forward to your build threads. We do like pictures.
Staff photo, 2014/15....


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Welcome to the forum, Rick. You made a comment about the civility of this forum and I concur. Our moderators do a great unpaid service to the rest of us. Our fearless leader Paul has set the tone here and we have some truly fine members who are willing to share, advise and encourage others. I look forward to your build threads. We do like pictures.

Thanks to you and all who have made me feel welcome here. I've followed your threads sir and they are woven into some magical builds! Eclectic, a word I favor for my own interests in many and varied objects and passions, and I would, with respect ,apply to your wheeled and motorized creations...which I greatly admire.
I'm curious as to where one might start a thread concerning a 1941 Simplex motorscooter which has come into my care. It is quite incomplete, missing both motor and drive train as well as fuel tank and seat. I'm told by actual authorities of the marque, that an accurate restoration to original would be cost prohibative as there are twice as many frames available as there are motor/drivetrains. I wouldn't mod a real candidate for restoration (my choice, not a judgement on what others would do)...I am going to modify this frame and in the process covert it to pedal power. That is the reason for my inquiry into a build site location on this forum.
I've owned various Cushman, Mustang and Whizzer bikes but never a Simplex...until now. Each of these fine old scooters/bikes charm me though all were limited in design by cost considerations. Of the four the Mustang stands out in areas of power (up to 12.5hp 4-cycle) drive train (3 &4 speed optional, with chain primary and secondary drive) suspension (modern active front forks & rear suspension.. optional) It's shortcomings wheels & tires (bigger than the Cushman and much smaller than the Whizzer and Simplex) and more costly than its rivals.

My proposed mod is a 1941 Simplex springer frame, 14hp, 5speed, 4cycle, chain driven, pedal bike conversion and weighing under 150lbs.. Where to put the thread? I like the clean Simplex Sportsman look and I'm also a fan of the Boardie Sportsman look of Sportscar Pat's builds...mixed with my own unique tweaks of the various bits and pieces, $$$ plus a few months labor...the result a simply/complex Simplex resto/mod -motorized peddlebike!

Insights/suggestions about any or all of the above appreciated. Rick C.
Wow Indian! I am really wanting to see her! Looked up images; https://www.google.com/search?q=194...KkyASGwICoAw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1024&bih=537

Wow, wow & wow. Beautiful! Just a suggestion, but she might look most at home in the vintage section.

Great group of folks here who don't worry to much about where stuff goes. Please feel free to post projects of any kind. If not a MB or the like, the tavern has some great threads on all sorts of works. Anything aside from works for sale, are pretty much open to interpretation and fit in so many subsections, unless really belonging some where else, are let be. Only moved by staff to assist folks looking for specifics.

Really am looking forward to seeing this project!!!

First I want to thank you for your very kind words. They are much appreciated. Ah, a Simplex. I will especially look forward to your build thread on that one.

There is a current thread by racie35
which is based on a Simplex frame. I'm sure he would know of the best spot to post this and it can always be moved by a moderator later on if you want. It seems to me that ricksrides also has some Simplex know how. Between them they can lead you to others and if your build thread has Simplex in it then they will find you. Maybe "Simplex pedal bike" or something similar would pull them in. It sounds like a great project! Good luck to you, sir.
Nice collage Dan those photos took me back to my youth...owned a Cushman Eagle (Gulfstream blue custom paint, rolled and pleated white naugy saddle and passenger seat) at 13, had 8 hp engine that I quickly "hopped up" by boring .060 over, lightened the oversized piston, shaved the head for more compression, polished the combustion chamber, replaced the Tilotson carb with a Dellorto & of course removed the exhaust baffle for that sound of power. I latter added a Iskendarian "full race" regrind camshaft (bought through Honest Charleys hot rod shop) Topping 75 mph flat on the tank was a thrill that I am fortunated to have survived.

Thanks for the thread info and a feel for the forums protocols. Have a blessed day,Rick C.
Thanks SB went to Racie35 thread and went through all 14 pages...good stuff and what impressive trikes he's building! Makes me want one too. Vintage... looks a good place to park my Simplex for awhile.
Simplex peddle bike, would also seem an appropriate heading. Thanks for your response and input. Rick C.
Thanks to those who've been kind enough to help me and welcome me to the forum. Used your input and spent some time navigating the site & found ample info to set an avatar and begin my first mini album of a few favorite past projects sic Texaco gas tanker, 1965 Mustang 2+2 Gt K code and a resurected 1979 Ford Boss 302 4 bolt main. I also was also able to urge my camera to download a few photos to the laptop (without the help of a guru or a pre-teen) lol... I'm not good with computers!!!

Good news for me is I'll soon be able to share a few photos of my Simplex donor and other projects. Now to start a thread in vintage..."Simplex peddlebike"God bless!Rick C.
Greetings from Indian Territory (Oklahoma) I've been lurking for awhile & decided to to join after discovering a climate of civility among the members as well as a great deal of knowledge about our hobby.
I ride everyday, year round... on two wheels, sometimes gas powered often just by pedal. I love the lifestyle and the pace!
I build what I ride & as a retired machinist & welder it's extremely satisfying use of my time. I'm currently finishing up 3 motorized bikes that are distinctly unique from one another...while displaying a feel for the motorized past. As I build I hope to share my experience with others (though my camera and computer skills are minimal) thanks to all the members which have built this unique forum.

Welcome Indian - we must be neighbors.
I find it hard to believe how seriously interested I have become in gas bikes at 50.

beat me by a year. not looking forward to my next BD ;-/.

40 was bad enough...............

as was 30 for that matter.....

- ugh.

..........................I really love "giving it to the man"/"flying under the radar" ........while doing it legally!

OK is really affirming of our Liberty WRT to Traffic Laws and our "bikes" - from Gopeds to bicycles - 35cc to 80cc - 25 mph to 35 mph all legal and WITHOUT in$urance or regi$tration.

A friend of mine just bought a used 14K Yamaha (its a Landbarge too - engine is similar in size to my CAR! (Yaris)- just registered and insured it 3 weeks ago for around 600 bucks!..........equal to the cost of my goped (with added mirrors/bike rack/ basket/ windscreen).

free street legal Goped? or Registration, insurance, tag and title?

I know my choice!
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Hey Austin, one of my fav cities and a bike heaven (even with traffic) used to bike over from Houston and spend the weekend at Town Lake & 7th. St. tambien. Electric trikes front wheel motor, batteries low in the rear. Yep the future of transportation and blissfully quiet! One more project, but it will have to wait in line till I finish two gas bikes and resto/mod a Simplex motorcycle/bike- have a plan to convert it to a peddle bike like a Whizzer only utilizing a chain drive and a 14 horse 5 speed 4 cycle engine. I do like the electrics and thanks for the welcome!

Yes Townlake! used to jog there all through the 90's- miss it. all the spandex ladies about. no place like that up here in Oklahoma.

no hippy Hollow either!! ;-/.

------- 90's Austin is not the same Austin of today though (No offense intended to Austinites living there today) ;-/. sadly.