ODTAA Project

Small Change

New Member
I am on my first build which I am referring to as a ODTAA (One D#II& Thing After Another) project. It is a China Doll 66cc 2 stroke on a mountain bike.

Finally have everything mounted and the engine starts. It will only run a few moments, and then dies. I suspect poor fuel flow.

I have noticed one thing. When I try to engage the engine while pedaling the bike, the compression pretty much locks up the rear wheel. All past experience with 2-strokers is that they are very free wheeling. Any ideas?
When you say the engine starts how are you getting it started? This is what I do every time, turn the fuel on at the tank( I always turn it of when I stop) then I press down the tickler which is a vent that allows air to escape easy and fuel to flow into the carb bowl, hold it down 4-5 seconds. Then raise the choke and pedal to about 8-10 mph and release the clutch, as soon as the engine fires lower the choke lever some and keep pedaling, as the engine warms you'll need to lower the choke more.
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