OCC Chopper build....not feeling the love.

Hammond Egger

New Member
Anybody else having as much trouble with this build as I am? I finally got the Barrys motor mount rebuilt so that the motor kinda fits it, then I got the mount put on the frame. The instructions said to mount the bottom plate so that it butts up against the welds on the seat tube. It should have said to butt it up against the seat tube even if you have to relieve it to make room for the welds or you won't have any horizontal adjustment because the front motor mount nuts will hit the downtube. Then I spent some time elongating the holes in the sprocket and grinding down the rear hub so it would fit. I just put the carb on and there really isn't room for the cables under the top tube, not sure what to do about that, maybe one of those offset intake tubes. I'm starting to dread even thinking about the gas tank. Maybe the first two builds I did spoiled me. If I ever get this done I hope it's a lot of fun to ride because it's sure been a PITA to build.
don't worry about the gas tank. not hard. just rivet the brackets in and bolt the tank on. It's really easy! hope things start going better.
My motor mount from Barry worked on two builds. I built one for me and one for my son. As for the tank, I used a dremel and a cutoff wheel to cut two slits in the top tube. I put the tank bracket through the middle of the top tube and then dropped the tank down onto the brackets. Looks good. I used the sprocket adapter from Manic Mechanic (at Pirate cycles?) I love it. I bent some 3/4" conduit for my son's exhaust, but used the stock muffler on mine. It fits fine. I mounted the tensioner upside down on my bike, and it clears the brakes and frame. On my sons, I had a bike welder relocate the brakes to the top bar. (Then had to cut a hole in the rear fender for the cable to run through. Let me know if you need some closeup photos and I can send them to you. Unfortunately, my bike is out of commish for a while. I have a frame crack on the tensioner side of the bottom fork. Now I have to remove and transplant on to another frame. Need more days in the week. Jim
Personally, I would love to see more pictures Jim.
I am still awaiting funding, and planing my OCC build. The more information that is shared, the more succes others will have as well.