Holy smokes! Literally!

Yeah, I hates hub motors just for this reason. I keep getting the wires crossed. Damned senior moments. Now I gots 2 black fingers.
Okay, I'm just about to give it up. Hub motor runs good on 36 volts, but gets smelly hot and I still have that stumbling problem. Seems, if the motor is rated for 24 volts, it's best to stick to that. For me, anyway. Both my 24 volt motors, the Curry gear drive and the hub, both stumble under load at almost WOT unless I pedal like heck. On the top end, it smooths out and just keeps going. My block ain't long enough.
SO!.....a new order is in order.

2 24 volt controllers and 1 36 volt, 450 watt Curry geared motor. The wife and daughter are just fine with 24 volt systems. Me, I need the 36 volt oomph for those long hills.
In a previous post, I mentioned something about the frame oscillating. Well, now that I found the hub motor to do the same, I'm thinking it was the stumbling of the motor that caused the frame to flex back and forth. So for me, 36 volts was just too much for my 24 volt motors. Others may have better luck and I hope they post their experiences.
I'll just bide my time for that nimh battery pack Deacon's working on.