NO Start


New Member
OK, so here is the story, I just finsihed the complete installation of the 70cc 2 stoke. After many many hours of pure frustration, come to find out i cant get the thing started. Not sure if if installed the throttle right( VERY VERY cheap by the way) doesnt seem to feel like a throttle lots of slack. I took the bike out for what i thought to be s spin and nothing happened. Im taking a few hours to break then ill be back at it. Any suggestions for the next steps to get this thing running. Oh yeah and who can tell me where to get a good throttle. Thanks ladies and gents(?)(?)(?)(?)
hey 08; for the carb. take off air cleaner, look inside, is it moving all the way up and all the way down, if try to adjust cable at carb and twist grip. is the petcock open, does gas come out if you pull gas line off at carb? if all is good go to elec., disconnect kill switch. after that you can pull spark plug, pour in a little gas. put in plug and pedal..good luck and let us know mitch
hi; is throttle moving slide in carb? does gas run out if you pull gas line off carb. pull spark plug, put a little gas in then plug then pedal. does it pop, if not remove kill wire. good luck.
Some of these engines need a little help making compression when new. The piston ring has not seated yet. To help it out on first start, Try pooring a little less than a cap full of your favorite 2 stroke oil down the spark plug hole. throw the plug back on and fire that baby up quick. I think that should be a step in the instructuions myself.
Take plug out, hold against cylinder head carefully - turn engine over - got spark?
hi; i just posed a question about an old school bike stand. if you had one it would be able to push it down and raise rear end of bike straight up, enabeling you to get on and start your bike, or at the least spin the motor over for diagnosis and tuning. maybe someone will know where they are.
Norm i like you spark plug tester. Handy must have tool for us who tinker with these engines.
I don't know if the carb screw is pre set. Mine have not been,or have got out of adjustment before every assembly.
I screw it all the way in,then 2 1/2 turns out. They have started that way but do need fine tuning.