No Spark...Wiring CDI/Mag/Kill Switch Mess

Only discrepancy was when I had my multimeter on "2M" it read 0.8, which should be 800k. When I put it in "200K" mode it read 138k. Weird.

blue (mine is green) to white: no reading
blue to black: no reading
white to black: no reading.

Well the first is probably due to impedence differences....

The magneto being an open circuit is probably your problem - but it does seem odd that both side are open. What's your meter set at?
I used two meters. One you just throw on resistance and it automatically switches modes. The other you have to choose from something like 2, 20, 200, 2k, 20k, 200k, 2M, 20M. I tried them all.
bought new CDI from and installed it today...still no spark, so I guess since the CDI is new, the spark plug is new, and the wiring is correct, then the Magneto must be back...right?
That's the problem with just throwing parts at problems.....put the meter on AC, hook it up to the magneto and with no spark plug in turn the engine with the rear wheel....yes it's flippin' erratic...but you should see some pulses....

I still think it's a connection or something.
Pablo thanks man I figured mine out the F****** clutch was out of adjustment NOT letting motor actually turn I had an Epifiny while watchin the Mole and there was spark.......Now about the stupid fuel cock they flat suck ass.......Will rectify that when i get some more time.

OK peddaled my butt off again I have spark had fuel but no f-ing start.......How fast do i need to pedal to get a real fire?
Tj Bunch said:
.......How fast do i need to pedal to get a real fire?

Not that fast, or long, sometimes one crank.

Let's regroup again.

Plug = new, dry NGK B5HS or B6HS
Plug wire= known good car wire
Gas= fresh 20:1-30:1 oil mix
Cylinder = not fuel soaked, a little oily OK (if too fuel soaked), engine will not start)
Piston = actually moving under compression, not clutch slip
Magneto = in sync, key and keyways straight
Ha Ok maybe not Ha but I got it to start, Pulled plug sprayed B12 in hole put plug on attaced wire peddaled 20 ft pop pop pop pulled clutch got up speed pop pop grrrrrrrrrrrr it runs cats ass running zoom zoom zoom screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch pop broke mount and got chain stuck in wheel. walked 1 mile home with back wheel in air.......Now just need to figure out what happened.
Well I looked this morning and it's the Bolt on the Engine mount at the Seat post....I will have to take it off the bike and bring down to work to Pull stud and replace, I used RED locktight and that puppy is solid in there......Oh Well NEVER use red where Blue will Do.
Just thinking about this, Worse case Engine Stuck (siezed) What needs to be done on theese if this happens.....New motor, Just piston and rod or ? Any input I still have to pull motor and see whats figure out what happened.
Mr larkins when yours broke did it stall the motor or just get all Viby (is that a word) I think when it came off ( the Stud) Thats when things locked up on me. motor went 20-25' out of line with rear sprocket kinda \ instaed of ------ so then chain cought into sprocket and spokes.
25 feet, huh? man, that's crazy, I didn't think it'd be able to do that :)

Just messing with you (though, inches is " )

Hope you can get 'er fixed soon.
ah, I see now. °

Hold alt and type 0176 on the numberpad (not the numbers along the top).

Lots of people use * too :)