No Gambling and Build My Bike.


Well-Known Member
Here I am in sunny California on a 30-day vacation. I'll probably spend the last 7 days in blistering Arizona. My wife and I are staying with relatives. That means free everything; food, lodging, transportation. We brought enough spending $$ to choke the proverbial horse.

We're at a gambling casino. My uncle and I are in the smoke-free hotel lobby watching the Warriors-Jazz game. The wives are working the slot machines. Uncle spent $35 gambling. I spent zero
We're leaving the casino at midnight, and will return every few days. My wife and her aunt will "have fun". Uncle and I will hang out and patiently wait for them.
I don't mind. I have good company(Uncle), a book to read, and my I-phone.
I intend to spend nada in any casino.
My wife's a gambler. I used to be, but I wised up many years ago.
With my unspent vacation money, I'll probably buy two new motors for my twin-engined project. I might lower the gear ratios with smaller chain ring sprockets. My current bike, Snow Tiger will receive Hookworm tires.
I'll order everything a few days before my vacation ends.
This is Day 2 of my month-long vacation. When it ends, I'll be in "MB Heaven"!dance1
Awesome, 5-7. Have fun and use sunscreen.

I know what you mean about the gambling thing. Carol and I went to Atlantic city years back and I could see why it could be so alluring. But man, watching some folks around here with lotto, scratch-offs and now this thing that pops off numbers on a screen. It's (with some folks) hard to see. The exact same expression as on their faces as crack victims. Way past fun for them it seems. Sorry about the rant. That new game really bothers me. Some folks get carried away and it's tuff to watch.

But enjoy your month long vacation! Hey, and where are the pics? I'm thinking artistic portrayals of dance & show girls. Tastefully, of course. (lol, no I ain't)

Have fun!
I agree with your rant, Dan.

I walked thru the casino, before heading for the lobby. There weren't many smiling faces in there.
Except my wife. She was all smiling after winning $22.00.
So cool she left smilin'!

We had a friend I really loved. She was awesome. Think in Los Vegas, she won some crazy, large sum. 32K or something like that. She's Latina and everything is about family and friends. She basically made a list by order of need and gave it all away and was back at work the next Monday. And she is super model hot. I mean just jaw dropping beautiful. Her BF shot her twice for some slight and she dropped out of sight. (Glad I shared?Lol)

I always wanted to try and sell MBs or ebikes to LVPD. That way you could write off your vacation.


My father was addicted. He had jobs where we should have had decent clothes, food, holidays in Spain, a new car. We wore clothes from 2 sizes too big until they were undersized rags, had small amounts of cheap cuts, stayed with our grandmother, he had a bicycle. Don't forget the electric being cut off because the weight of the money slowed the horse down.

I have been inside gambling establishments, very much against my will, and each time my skin has tried to crawl out of the door without me.
Dang, Lud. Ruff ride, Brudder. Always wondered. The sharp sense of humor gives that stuff away. A "tell" if you will. (Now that's poor phrasing, lol)

Similar situation. but violent drunk. That living well is the best revenge really works. Except for when it doesn't. Really is sad where addiction takes people. And their people.

Sorry, BN. Really is a great thread and really fun to read about your respite. What's on the agenda for today? Just brought 3 guys to the airport. (I'm an Uber driver on weekends) They are headed there to play golf. I didn't know it was so highly regarded by the golfing community.
Dang, Lud. Ruff ride, Brudder. Always wondered. The sharp sense of humor gives that stuff away. A "tell" if you will. (Now that's poor phrasing, lol)

Similar situation. but violent drunk. That living well is the best revenge really works. Except for when it doesn't. Really is sad where addiction takes people. And their people.

Sorry, BN. Really is a great thread and really fun to read about your respite. What's on the agenda for today? Just brought 3 guys to the airport. (I'm an Uber driver on weekends) They are headed there to play golf. I didn't know it was so highly regarded by the golfing community.

More relatives coming over.
We're up until 4am every night talking story about what we missed in our different lives.

Aunt and uncle are so inspirational. If my wife had lived near them here in Cali, we would've been more successful, but also having to deal with more family drama.

Aunty is heavy into Craigslist; Uncle's into Ebay and Amazon deals.
My kind of people!!
Last month, I was following a Craigslist ad about a racing moped for sale at a fantastic deal. Lo and behold, the guy lives10 miles away from where I'm staying!!
I'm checking it out today. At the most, I'll be buying the engine, if the price is right.
We've been going to this all-night diner since we arrived. The waitress's name is Candy. She looks like a living doll, so gorgeous. I jokingly remark "I like candy". My wife and her aunt are "crude", regularly spouting brash and suggestive inuendoes. All in fun, I guess. Last night at the diner, my wife tells Candy "My husband thinks you're very attractive. I blush. My uncle rescues me by saying "I think you're cute too, Candy." Saved by Uncle.laff
The waitress smiled and shared warm pleasantries.
I spent 6 hours in the hotel lobby Sunday night watching the Yankees' 18-inning baseball win. My cell died at 230am, so I went to the hotel room to hang out with Uncle. I'm a loud snorer, so I didn't wanna keep him awake. I didn't realize he's a heavy snorer too. We stayed up talking story, then slept a few hours. The women stayed up all night playing was comforting to know that my wife might've been ahead some, when we left the casino. I was proud of the fact that I didn't spend a dime in the casino over the weekend.
That $1,000 racing moped is still available. It's located 10 miles away. I also found a Puch motor in Craigslist in Salinas. Surprisingly, it's mounted in a board track racer. Engine and motor mounts are reasonably priced. Unsure if he wanted to sell the bike.
I'm tempted to check out the seller(s). I've dreamed of installing a Puch engine in a bicycle. However, I've got too many projects already. My twin-engined build aka The Blue Twins awaits me at home, following my vacation.
Vacation is almost over; I leave for home tomorrow.

Since I did not gamble a single penny, I was able to:
buy my grandchildren a bunkbed set.......
give my nephew and his family $500. They're moving from Brazil to AZ.....
pay $250 for my aunt's Mother's Day luncheon.....
buy two 4hp pocket bike engines, transmissions, throttles, levers and a drill-operated Power Start.

My engines arrived in AZ. I'll pack it in luggage and ship for free.

I'm homebound tomorrow; can't wait to be home.
Yes. Thanks for asking.
I'm surprised some parts beat me home, like the transmissions and the PowerStart.
I hand carried the pocket bike engines.
Now to find the time to work on my project.