Nirve Switchblade Choppers pics


New Member
Here are a couple of Nirve Switchblade choppers that I was able to build as a winter project. My wife and I have been riding alot and they are both broke-in now.

The fuel tanks are in the top tube as well as a vent and the fuel shut-offs. The biggest challenges here were engine placement (Spooky Tooth 80cc), and getting the chains to clear the 3" back tire. The front wheels were relaced with a Sturmey Archer front hub brake and the rear got 12 guage spokes. They were alot of work to build, but alot of fun to ride!!

Hope you like the pictures. Peace!!:ride2:


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Very cool! Could you give us more details, especially on how you did your gas tank? I have a non-motorized Switchblade that is my favorite rider right now, deffinatly a good canidate for an engine...Kelly
Nice bikes. Thanks for the pics. I'm always amazed at how people figure out ways to motorize a bicycle.........................
2 of the sweetest rides yet, I would like to hear more information on these. are switchblade frames factory or did you build from scratch from your own design?
Details,details,details its all about the details! Iam a chopper fan and have built a few choppers myself from scratch my own frames and forks , handle bars ,seats. my next build this winter will be a motorized chopper (FileStyle)
How did you fix the chain clearance problems? I would really appreciate any pointers that you could offer.
The back wheel was alot of work. It was relaced with 12 guage spokes. Ditch the chain from the kit and get yourself a narrower chain KMC510 BMX works great. Next, I got the Clamshell Sprocket Adapter available at Livefast Motors(from Jim). That kit has a nifty spacer that goes on behind your coaster brake arm. I used 2 of the spacers to gain enough clearance which means you may have to buy 2 kits. You also will need to buy a sprocket from Livefast, as the one that comes with most engine kits does not work well with the sprocket adapter without elongated the mounting holes. I then had to use an additional 1/2" spacing between that adapter and the sprocket to clear the tire. What works very nice there are the rubber spacers that do come with your engine kits. The holes in the rubber spacers do not line up exactly with the new sprocket but can be forced/made to work. Now you will find that the mounting bolts for your new sprocket(mine is 40 tooth) are too short and M6 long bolts are pretty hard to find. Fastenal is a good source but may have to be ordered. I bored out my adapter and retapped to accept 1/4" hardened steel bolts. Once that's all put together you should be clearing the tire , or at least close. The frame will have to be tweaked about 1/2" to get the whole assembly to fit between the dropouts and a medium thick washer on each side between the axle and frame will let both chains clear the frame nicely. You can also dish the wheel a little one way or the other for final adjustments. Now you may be wishing for a longer axle! I had to put one on the blue chopper to get enough axle to hook a pull-along trailer to it. The red bike is fine without it. Sorry I have not been around here for awhile, but these choppers are so fun!! We put alot of miles on this summer. So there you have it, it can be done. Alot of monkey business, but I did whatever to keep the 3" tire on there. It would be ALOT easier to use a smaller tire, but not as cool! If you have any more questions just ask. I will be keeping a closer eye on here now that we are coming into winter.
filestyle1. Sorry for the long delay. I used stock Nirve Switchblade choppers, because I really liked the frames and the rake. I was lucky enough to find both used on the internet@about $400 each shipped. Good luck on yours!
Nerve Chopper Problem,

Does anyone know if its possible to mount the motor on a slight angle to stop the chain from hitting the 3 inch rear tire (basicaly angling the chain precisely to the sprocket, clearing the tire and frame) if not angle perhaps offset the motor mount)
Venice boys Nirve Chopper looks great but i cant get a close enough view to find out exactly how he managed it
Don't know exactly what you mean, but yeah, they are angled front to back. Usually about 60 degrees forward or so that when mounted the float bowl of the carb. is level when riding. Sometimes you might have to move the engine slightly to th left of center when looking from above (like in some motorcycles). Yes you want to "present" the best opening position for the drive sprocket, so the chain has a good entrance & exit. It also helps if you move the rear sprocket out a little if possible. Hope this helps. Walter F.
Hi, Just wondering if I could use the Household power 110v MIG Welder for Nirve Switchblade. Someone told me I should use the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) Weld because the metal is too thin to use MIG. It's that true. Please chime in if you think MIG is OK to go. Thanks.
Hi, Just wondering if I could use the Household power 110v MIG Welder for Nirve Switchblade. Someone told me I should use the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) Weld because the metal is too thin to use MIG. It's that true. Please chime in if you think MIG is OK to go. Thanks.

BikerChick, checkout fellow forum member Graucho's "Fat Tire Bicycle Chopper" / thread post#34 for his build list, and yes he use's the Harbor Freight 110 Flux Cored welder, here's the link & quoted post:

or see below direct link to post #34

here's Graucho's build list showing the HF-Flux Cored Welder,

"Graucho Quote,
When I see other peoples builds I always ask myself...."self" where did he get that item? Well, i'm not going to leave anybody out there hang'in with that question. I hope this helps someone if they need a similar part that I have used on my bike. I used to have better tools but I got rid of them when I thought I was getting out of building. (wrong) since, I bought a lot of stuff "on the cheap" and they have worked out just fine. Take care and thanks for your kind words everyone. graucho

Tubing 1/8 steel. 2", 1.5", 1.25", 1"___South St. Paul Steel Supply - Products

Tube bender 3 years old___ Harbor Freight Tools

Welder 2 years old___ - Harbor Freight Tools - Quality Tools at the Lowest Prices

Frame Design (copied)___ Frame 24" Chopper Super Fat - Choppers U.S., LLC

Handle bars___ Handlebar Cruiser Moon CP - Choppers U.S., LLC

Brake lever___ Skull Brake Lever - Pair - Choppers U.S., LLC

Fork___ Fork Kit - Chopper Chrome - Choppers U.S., LLC

Front wheel / rim___ Wheel/Tire/Tube/Hub/Rim : Wheels - Steel - Choppers U.S., LLC

Peddles sprocket___ Pedals Stingray Silver 9/16 - Choppers U.S., LLC

Seat___ Seat - Hot Rod Flames - Choppers U.S., LLC

Braided lines___ Cable Casing-Stainless-Per Ft. - Choppers U.S., LLC

Mirror___ Mirror - Teardrop Right CP - Choppers U.S., LLC

Throttle___ Mini Chopper Misc. Parts & Accessories

Aluminum Bullet Axle Nut 1"___ Redirect

Front Light___ Old model of a Kids Razor 12v kids motorcycle.

License frame___ Walmart

Tail light___ Walmart

Licence Plate___ Self designed from photo of my youth

Pillow block bearings___ PILLOW BLOCK BEARINGS - Pacific Northwest Bearing

Rear wheel and rim___

Axle and hub___ Rear Axle & Hub kits

Disk Brake___ Rear Axle & Hub kits

14 tooth freewheel___ 14 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket

Jackshaft___ Main, BMI Karts and Supplies - Home

Jackshaft sprockets___ eBay Store - Fremont Industrial Supply: Hydraulic Pneumatic, Fluid Power, Electric motors

Chains___ Tractor supply

Idle tensioner___ Tractor supply

Rear fender___ Tractor supply (aluminum car ramp end)

Plastic gas tank___ Ebay

Saddle bag for tank___ Walmart

SLA Sealed Lead Acid Battery___ Radio shack or Batteries Plus

Battery charger 1amp (for Lead Acid Battery___ Batteries Plus

Centrif- clutch___ Hilliard Extreme-Duty Centrifugal Clutch and parts

Airbrush pen (6 years old)___ opps...Its called... d i c with no spaces.

Primer (sandable, scratch filling)___ Napa Auto

Red oxide Spot filler/Putty___ Local Auto paint dealer

Rust-oleum Paint___ Home Depot

Acetone___ Home Depot
End Graucho Quote"

Hope this helps,

Peace Crazy Horse