Nirve Cannibal Chopper Build

Don't have access! Well you could buy a drill press and an angle grinder for that money, and make a lot more stuff afterwards too. My biggest expense was $130 for a front brake.
So I got it all mounted. It definitely gave me some trouble as originally expected. After I ended up building the bike twice myself and realized that neither of the mount I bought were going to work well. But thanks to Norm at VMB for helping me mount the engine. After that It was on me to make the bike perform. AND PERFORM IT DOES.. Would love to quiet the idle a little bit. but I don't think this CNC thruster exhaust calls for quiet. hahaha. .trlrl.


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Dang that bike looks cool. That whole wave of Chopper Bikes that came out a few years ago were begging for motors. The first one I ever saw was the Schwinn version (Stingray?). Nice job!scratg
Dang! That does look good! Ditch that lethal chain tensioner quick as you can. Nice mount solution. Norm seems to be full of tricks and piles of helpfull knowledge. Whats that thingy at the back? Looks like its on the far side sticking up above the sprocket at an angle? Tail light? Well done Sir!