Next Shipment from Grubee????


New Member
Seems like most of the dealers for Grubee kits and parts have about everything marked, "Currently Out of Stock". Well, that's a depressing state of affairs. Has anyone heard anything definitive about the arrival of the next slow boat from China?
You guys do know that the grubee's aren't any different than all the others, right?

Just wondering why you couldn't order from a "non-grubee" dealer?
Seems like most of the dealers for Grubee kits and parts have about everything marked, "Currently Out of Stock". Well, that's a depressing state of affairs. Has anyone heard anything definitive about the arrival of the next slow boat from China?

BikeBerry doesn't have Grubee in stock and IMHO they probably never will... and their associated businesses has them in stock, they have been the company that has worked with Grubee to get the EPA certification done, they seem to be the most reliable source for Grubee products...
Well, I'll give you that, but as for the new engines...he DID say grubee kits. :0

Think it through man, you buy a Grubee KIT so when you need a part you know a Grubee PART will fit... As opposed to say a BGF kit, or other no-name kit, exactly what piston do you need? Even though the kits are all about the same, there are some differences in the parts that makes them not interchangeable. That was my point...
N/C that's why I bought a grubee, I didn't know anything about these engines. The only manufacturer web site I could find was grubee so I though that if they were a bigger company they may be around for awhile. I bought five kits from bikeberry, I don't think they have had 48cc since.
The Two Stroke is hard to get. Told you Guys it was going to get this way in a year or so. It did:( Soon it will be 4 stroke or walk. (c)
The Two Stroke is hard to get. Told you Guys it was going to get this way in a year or so. It did:( Soon it will be 4 stroke or walk. (c)

GasBike has 48 and 66 cc two strokes in stock constantly, among others... Last week they had a $25 off deal going, hard to imagine they would be doing that if they had the last few remaining two stroke kits, forever....
I pass on news that I hear. Don't believe everything you read. I give the best info I have. I have 3 Dax 66cc two strokes in a file cabinet just for me. Still in the bubble wrap :)