newb needs help

Grind off the outer flange of the dust cover, or grind out the center of the sprocket. The former is faster and easier than the later.
So i have been reading the blogs for a while and need help. I plugged the black wire to the black and blue to the blue. I even saw an arc in the spark plug when i tested it against the motor. What else is there? The carb. seems alright. its new.
So i have been reading the blogs for a while and need help. I plugged the black wire to the black and blue to the blue. I even saw an arc in the spark plug when i tested it against the motor. What else is there? The carb. seems alright. its new.

Welcome to the forum :)

Well, you checked for spark and thats the first step...Now you need to determine if you are getting fuel.

I'd crank her over a few times and then pull the plug out to check for signs of fuel.

If no fuel, check the screen inside the fuel tank for blockage (pull peacock out) Also be sure your float is not stuck preventing fuel from getting to the float bowl.