New to this. NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

There shouldn't be a "dimple" in the gasket sealing surface. If there is you need to find out what's making it and remove it. The cylinder head and the cylinder gasket surfaces should be absolutely flat and smooth. There should be nothing to 'dimple' the gasket.

Like where the head n the cap press together on the gasket. Only a lil bit all the way around the center of the gasket..almost like a stamp. The head and cap stamped a line around inside of gasket.. its doing it on the new one as well... im goin to say that's what it is suppose to do.. hope I've gave more details and as always thanks for the help...
OK, I think I get it. It's not really a dimple, It's a perfectly round compression seal. on the inside of the gasket. That's exactly the way it goes. So far so good bro. Snug it down to specs and RIDE IT LIKE YA STOLE IT.
I think i got a pic to load


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Remember it's INCH pounds when you torque that head down.

Fatdaddy got it right- ride that thing!
Hey.. so i had her running GREAT.. was running fast and strong for a few days then today my air filter broke off. No big deal I'll get a new one from auto parts store. But then i was riding around my neighborhood and i notice the gear screw was rubbing a hole in the clutch n gear cover. So i peddle home n the screw stripped again. That's number 2 for gear screw.i couldn't get the gear to slide all the way on the shaft b4. Today after this problem i said screw it and forced it on with a piece of wood and hammer.. so i have 2 questions. 1 is the drive gear supposed to slide all the way over drive shaft and be even with clutch gears?? 2 has this happened to you b4??? Will try n post pic
Mine was about half way out. Meaning half of the drive gear was free and the other half was touching clutch gear. I hammered it all the way in now and the gear screw is doing what it should. I just ordered 2 new one has ive gone through 2 already. For some reason they would come lose amd it grinded a hole in my clutch cover.. also because i had to get a carburetor post that kicked ut to the side my foot always hits the air filter when starting.(if im not careful) so now i have to get a new HOWEVER SHE IS RUNNING LILE A CHAMP.... i don't know what others think of the China girl or what ev theg call them lol but i love it.. i ride fast n loud.. wide open,go for i will say with running no air filter i have NO low end power so when starting out i cover carb with my hand.. I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE ADVICE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.
"Fast and loud"

You're not running without a muffler, are you? Your engine won't last long without some back pressure and it doesn't do the motorized bicycle hobby any good either.

If you have to cover the air inlet side of the carburetor with your hand there's a good bet youi have an air (vacuum) leak somewhere. The air filter shouldn't cause that much restriction in air flow.

No i have the exhaust on... and i only have to cover the carb as i have no filter on at the moment. Im trying to see if any stores in my area have the filter i need. Im in a very small town. bike runs great other than no air filter.... very good top end. Ive clocked it at 39.8 mph... very happy with my China made motor kit....
Mine was about half way out. Meaning half of the drive gear was free and the other half was touching clutch gear. I hammered it all the way in now and the gear screw is doing what it should. I just ordered 2 new one has ive gone through 2 already. For some reason they would come lose amd it grinded a hole in my clutch cover.. also because i had to get a carburetor post that kicked ut to the side my foot always hits the air filter when starting.(if im not careful) so now i have to get a new HOWEVER SHE IS RUNNING LILE A CHAMP.... i don't know what others think of the China girl or what ev theg call them lol but i love it.. i ride fast n loud.. wide open,go for i will say with running no air filter i have NO low end power so when starting out i cover carb with my hand.. I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL THE ADVICE YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.

That gear screw needs to be impacted in. I have an air tool I use now, but before I had it I just used an old screwdriver and caught it on the edge of then screw slot and hammerd it around until it was tight. THEN hit it with the block of wood again To see if it loosens up the screw. Jusy keep on doing it untill it quits getting loose. Screwdriver on the edge of the slot. hammer it around until it gets tight . Use the wood on it pretty good and I bet it gets loose again. Keep doing this until it it don't get loose anymore. Of course the best way is to use a air hammer/driver But even a cheap Walmart set is about $100. I used the old screwdriver method for years before I got my air tool set. It works if ya got nothing else. just remember, its never gonna go all the way flush with the clutch gear. Just guessing I'd say it sticks out just under 1/4"or so further than the clutch gear.
Believe it or not i got mine 98%flush.. i used a wood block n hammer.. i haven't had one prob with the screw after this fix... this motor kit is one of the best investments I've made.. i love it... still waiting on an air filter but she runs like a beast.. new top speed is 40.1 lol. But that with all the conditions perfect. Going with wind slightly down grade in road n hugging the bike as close as i could.
If the screw quits coming loose then ya got it. Good deal bro. One of my very first engines ran like yours. Luck of the draw I guess. A bone stock China girl hitting 40mph is rare. I sold mine to a friend and he got it stolen in less then a week. I had a buddy run along side in his car to clock it. When it hit 40mph I backed off cause I didn't wanna blow it up. I named that bike ZIPPY. I name all my bikes, Doesn't everyone?
i do believe i got it running like i need her to. Although i will say having no low end kinda stinks. Even with an air filter i don't have very good low end power.. i am running with a 60 main jet.. idk if they make a lil smaller one. Like a 58 or so but when i have a air filter on i can't run wide open until it gets really warm.. with out an air filter once it's warmed up i have no problem running wide open. I haven't had a car clock me yet just my sports app it's for running n so on.. so i say 40.1 mph but is it really running that speed??? The only upgrade I've done is put a racing carb on.. idk if that really helped on top end speed or if it's as u said luck of the draw... very happy with this kit though.. If my bike/motor ever gets stolen it won't be hard to find as there is only 1 other person in this town with a kit.. small town living... i will be trying to get my profile updated with pics n more info very soon.. want to show you all my ride.. oh n my bikes name is jenny..