New to this all! A few questions though


New Member
Hey everybody, i'm pretty stoked about converting my bike to a motorized bike, but I have a few questions before committing to one brand/building one.

Question #1: I have a 24 speed mountain bike(GT Avalanche 3.0), is there a particular brand of motor kit that will work best for my bike?

Question #2: I have been to pistonbikes and bikeengines and a few other websites. There is a huge price difference in these sites, pistonbikes starting around $150 and bikeengines being on average around $500. Would a $150 be sufficient for a first-timer?

Thanks for your help!
Welcome rugbyguy, glad to have another Tucsonan on the forum.

1) I am not familiar with your bike maybe this will help...
Most 24" or 26" bicycle with diamond frame and horizontal top tube should have sufficient space to mount motor.

At least 12.5 inches running along the seat tube from the top of the bottom bracket to the bottom of the top tube.Tubing size from 1-1.5inches on the both the seat and down tube. Plus or minus 70deg. above the bottom bracket between the down tube and the seat tube. Inner distance between pedals needs to be greater than 4.5 inches in width to clear the 4.5inch wide motor. Check the attachment for pic.

Now if your frame does not meet these dimensions not to worry there is other options like a rear mount set-up.

2) $150 is just fine.


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Welcome to the forum. GT frames look great when motorized.

As with most items, you get what you pay for. The less you spend, the less support you will generally get when a problem arises. Do a lot of reading on this site to see who supports their customers.
A 2 stroke frame motor should fit. You may need to modify the intake a bit and use an oversized front engine mount if your frame is aluminum. Neither is complicated and there are many examples on this site.
Thanks for that advice, i'm probably gonna get the Grubee 48cc motor kit from pistonbikes. I was going to post a pic of what my bike looks like, but because of newcomer/anti-spam rules it would not let me.
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New development: It looks like i'm going with bikeberry, for the exact same price I can get a free 6 month warranty. I should be ordering it sometime this week so i'll let you guys know how it goes!