New to site; but not to PAB's...

And the seasons best to you to Rockenstein and may you ride healthy and happy and may I add police free.

My questions had nothing to do with your PAB. As a good lawyer I had hoped that you would have answers before the question could be asked.

Lets narrow them down to just one. Who did the feds write the laws for?

This is my 4th attemp to post a reply. It appears the laws are to aid in corporate take over as the so called new types of vehicles are not actually bicycles they are cycles. I guess I won the cases because I showed up. A bicycle with power assist is still a bicycle under bicycle law. I realize some don't believe that though. Some police believe they are a motorvehicle and even if ICBC will not insure them the police may decide to ticket you anyway. So believe it or not they are legislated under the many bicycle laws.
Davido, from what the Gazette said e-bikes were considered limited speed motor cycles but didn't meet the requirements so at the request of owners and sellers, they did a series of tests and establish rules and regulations so they could be sold and ridden legally.
Also if you read the Gazette they canned gas engines on bikes because the e-bikes are the new Green Machine and you and I know how much Green Gordie Campbell loves Green.

After a lot of discussion and testing they felt the gas engines were also too powerful and heavy for the frame. That's the governments attitude and not mine. Try riding with a bunch of lead acid batteries perched on the back of your bike and then tell me a rear mounted engine is any different if not a lot better.

Having been married to a police woman for years, I'm pretty sure that the reason you got off in court was, that as she has often said, the police are required by law to write tickets even if they think the laws are bs. That's their job but they can let you off if they don't show up in court to push the matter. They can have a lot of nothing tickets in court on a given day and not show up if someone contests them.
A certain amount will be paid out of court and the people who show up get off. Also the prosecuting attorney may not want to take the time to bother with a small case when they are over worked as it is.
If the cops that stopped you, wanted to, you would have been dodging a pile of tickets and thousands of dollars in fines.

Yes. Steve I understand and have read info you have posted. The federal government did state that a PAB is not a LSC due to safety; yet, safety has to do with the owner and operator of a vehicle. MAC's are a new type of vehicle and are NOT a bicycle it is a faked one with removable pedals. Kevin Falcon the previous minister of transportation told a commercial road officer that they were in a grey area and could only be ticketed under bicycle laws. A friend of mine mentioned to a judge that he was told that they have always be called PAB's, the judge looked surprised then asked if it was under 50cc, he said yes, then the judge asked if he could prove it so he showed him his manual from the kit he bought, the judge agreed and threw the ticket out. As long as us folk stand up for our constitutional rights of passage and our chartered rights of mobility; and operate these bicycles safely there should be no problem. LSC and Motorcycles have pegs not pedals they also have thicker frames and transmissions, bicycles don't; which, everyone who rides a real bicycle knows. If the federal government says PAB's are not LSC and the RCMP are told to ticket them as LSC, who should be charged not the poor dude with a 1 cylinder bicycle; while, the 4 to 12 cylinder vehicles rain surpreme and in many cases pollute way more.
Davido, your 100% right about saftey being up to the operator. We always heard when I was a kid that it wasn't the nut holding the steering wheel on but the nut holding on to the steering wheel that cause the accident. Still true 60 years after I first heard it.

Yes the MAC's are a quick way around the hurdles for the makers. Don't know if you ever had to pedal a moped but the pedals are about useless on any of the ones I owned. Just a feel good way around the hurdles there too.

An old pal of mine years ago's Dad was a Supreme Court Judge in Ontario. I talked to him often about being a judge and how hard was it. He said he was there to rule on the evidence presented by both parties and he couldn't have any personal opinions as hard as that was.
When your friend presented his evidence, the Judge balanced the evidence and ruled in your friends favor. Some times the sun does shine on the innocent.

I agree with a 50cc motor on a bike being safe. The sad part is I'm not in the government. An electric motor can teach a gas motor new tricks when it comes to acceleration which puts a lot more torque on a flimsy bike frame ( when compared to a motorcycle or moped frame).
The unfortunate part is the gov. testers got to make the rules based on what they were told. If the people in the test they used had been people who made and used motored bikes things would have been different. Maybe. The good thing is for once they didn't listen to Quebec who wanted to make the PAB's/e-bikes even more useless than they are.
The Gazette article said other than the polution thing they didn't feel that bike frames were strong enough.

Guess in the long run we are lucky that we don't have to have special licences and endless restrictions and inspections to deal with.

I'm moving to PEI next summer I think. A whole province with 150,000 people and lot's of country roads.
My next build will be a copy of an antique gas powered trike.

Steve said: wasn't the nut holding the steering wheel on but the nut holding on to the steering wheel that cause the accident.

lol, so true. PEI should be a blast, at least you can drive there now. Hope you like potatoes :p
Killer, was down there this summer. Saw a house that I really liked and was on the way to look at it but it was more than I wanted to spend so I talked myself out of it. Also had 5 bedrooms and I'm 67 and single so it is more than big. Had a heck of a barn on it and a smaller building just right for a workshop.
Get back to BC and they cut the price in half a week later. Yep, that's what I said too.
It was like going back to the 50's to live and the people were great. I'll find something next year.

LOL,never saw a spud I couldn't find a use for. Baked, boiled, mashed or fried.
That bridge was wild and freaking long. Free to get on the island but you have to pay to get off it if you want to.
