New Stretch cheap build

How come nobody puts a sprung seat like a bobber motorcycle? One that pivots at the front on springs? You not have great lines to do it.
Seat is jut a temp install, I would love to install a bobber suspension seat, best way to make a hardtail softer in my O. Funny, rides good while your moving at 5 mph, aweful under that. I guess it's the nature of the beast.
You Da Man Mac! Very cool! Really, really like where your going with this.

Side note, thanks to the measurements you took and gave me on another thread, I am starting some thing similar. Every MB I have ridden with the engine behind has ridden/sounded. awesome. So wanted to do a likeness to yours using the top tube as the seat post housing. So it telescopes fore and aft.

Any way, looking forward to seeing your build "completed" (like they are ever done, snork) You have so many options with your setup. Just uber cool Mac.
