New Member from So Cal.


New Member
Hey guys, been checking out this forum for a couple weeks now, and finally decided on purchasing a Gebe Tanaka 32cc. kit for my Specialized FSR full suspension bike.

I have been interested in the Gebe kit since the popular mechanics article came out, but for some reason took me this long to order.

I will be commuting to work a couple times a week in a effort to conserve fuel about 10 miles each way, I will also be doing some local fire roads local to me that I have been scoping out every time I ride my bike.

Anyways, happy to be part of the board!

Rob K.
Hey Rob, welcome to the forum. I think you'll like it here. Lots of friendly folks and motorized bicycle enthusiasts. Nice looking ride you got there too....................
welcome rob. sounds like a like set up. you will save more then you can imagine commuting to work with it and be surprised how enjoyable motorized bicycles can be. glad to have you with
Thanks, so far I am having a great time! Already found 2 parks local to me that
I didn't even know existed!:)
You don't use the motor while on the bike path or boardwalk do you?
Couldn't imagine getting away with that for too long, but it would be fun!!

How often do you guys ride?
