New member DoubleD


New Member
Hello everyone new member down in Florida building my first bike been wanting to do this for years recently bought a Firmstrong bruiser beach bike 26 inches 4 inch tires. I would like to find my way around the forum and get anybody that can give me some help along the way thank you very much. Looking forward to interactions.
Hello everyone new member down in Florida building my first bike been wanting to do this for years recently bought a Firmstrong bruiser beach bike 26 inches 4 inch tires. I would like to find my way around the forum and get anybody that can give me some help along the way thank you very much. Looking forward to interactions.

I bought an engine on line. Supposedly 4hp. Not sure how it will work. I need a kit with it for sure.

Unfortunately, that engine & bike are both bad choices for a first time bike builder. :(

The bike has extremely wide tires which will be very difficult for the new engine chain to clear the side of the tire, & that engine is very under powered & not designed for installing on a bicycle.

Unless you have something to prove by building this particular combo?, I would choose a different bike & buy a good 2-stroke engine kit... (Start by building an easy bike, then try to tackle this bike after you have some experience). ;)