New here. i have a Panama Jack Cruiser and a 79cc predator. need any advice


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i would like any advice on this bike and motor combo. Also the best place to get parts. I'm gonna use this bike for commuting to work and back, day and night. so lighting/charging advice will be ap[appreciated. i have a lot of experience in the auto industry. and I'm semi comfortable with these things. but uncharted waters have different aspects. with that said lets hear what everyone has to say. no I'm not gonna go 2 stroke quite yet. that's for a special build after I at least get my transportation to work figured out. the hobby part of this is I am a mechanic at heart. but I got a dui and need this for work. i have since kicked the booze and any help would be greatly appreciated.


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i ordered a 30m series comet but it seems like they didnt provide all the parts. and now im rethinkin the whole trans situation now, so any trans imputwould be helpful. i want to go at least 30 mph and im 200 lbs
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i would like any advice on this bike and motor combo. Also the best place to get parts. I'm gonna use this bike for commuting to work and back, day and night. so lighting/charging advice will be ap[appreciated. i have a lot of experience in the auto industry. and I'm semi comfortable with these things. but uncharted waters have different aspects. with that said lets hear what everyone has to say. no I'm not gonna go 2 stroke quite yet. that's for a special build after I at least get my transportation to work figured out. the hobby part of this is I am a mechanic at heart. but I got a dui and need this for work. i have since kicked the booze and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Robert if you are serious about needing transportation to work, my best advice is forget gas and put a front electric hub motor kit on that neat bike. The controller and maybe even the battery could go in that cool handle bag and you would have cheap reliable transportation with enough power to run all the lights you would want. Something like this:
i enjoy gas motors. i do plan on doing some sort of electric project some day. but i would rather go combustion. p
I also like gas engines too, or more accurately I should say, I love them. The thing is the clutches, chains and sprockets needed to make the bike go are notoriously unreliable and usually require a lot of maintenance. If you have to have an IC engine; the hybrid electric/gas is the answer. Just remember to bring along a chain breaker and there will be a get home option, when the gas power goes US (un-servable).
my town isnt huge that isnt a problem really. i appreciate your imput. but if im gonna have to take this to work and back i wamnt to have fun. and electric to me personally sounds boring. but after this build i wouldnt mind having a electric bike for a backup
i would like any advice on this bike and motor combo. Also the best place to get parts. I'm gonna use this bike for commuting to work and back, day and night. so lighting/charging advice will be ap[appreciated. i have a lot of experience in the auto industry. and I'm semi comfortable with these things. but uncharted waters have different aspects. with that said lets hear what everyone has to say. no I'm not gonna go 2 stroke quite yet. that's for a special build after I at least get my transportation to work figured out. the hobby part of this is I am a mechanic at heart. but I got a dui and need this for work. i have since kicked the booze and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you test fit the motor? That is the main issue I can see with it, also 30 mph should be pretty easy as I hit that at 230lbs with a 49cc.
Hey, machorobert89 !

If I may toss in my .02, Electric is definitely no-muss, no-fuss compared to Internal Combustion, especially for distances under 10 miles each way.
I have a 1000w Ebay Kit, with a $200 battery pack ( a cheapie ), and it'll do almost 30mph and give a reliable 5- 8 miles each way.
If your heart is set on 4-stroke, maybe get one of the better 49cc bike kits. They have enough stink to get you 30mph, come with most, if not all the parts you'll need, etc. By the time you get all the support parts/pieces for the 79cc build, it'll cost you as much as a decent 49cc 4-stroke bike kit. (Unless you already have the 79cc Predator- that's a different story.)

I wish you the best.
Hey, machorobert89 !

If I may toss in my .02, Electric is definitely no-muss, no-fuss compared to Internal Combustion, especially for distances under 10 miles each way.
I have a 1000w Ebay Kit, with a $200 battery pack ( a cheapie ), and it'll do almost 30mph and give a reliable 5- 8 miles each way.
If your heart is set on 4-stroke, maybe get one of the better 49cc bike kits. They have enough stink to get you 30mph, come with most, if not all the parts you'll need, etc. By the time you get all the support parts/pieces for the 79cc build, it'll cost you as much as a decent 49cc 4-stroke bike kit. (Unless you already have the 79cc Predator- that's a different story.)

I wish you the best.
yes i already have the motor. i work at harbor freight so i can get them at this point free replacement anytime i want
yes i already have the motor. i work at harbor freight so i can get them at this point free replacement anytime i want
NICE! Harbor Freight is an awesome place. If you scan through this site, you'll see a bunch of 79cc Predator builds to learn from. A lot of people have also detailed their builds with the Cranbrook/NelLusso, so there's good insight there. My .02 on the Huffy's are those wheel bearings... they really do need TLC and a watchful eye until one can come up with a replacement/improvement. I'd love to see if anyone as ever managed to get sealed bearings to run in those hubs. Doubtful.
Do research dont try and reinvent anything...there are lots of reliable 79cc pulling daily commuter duty.
Use good parts....a couple/few hundred bucks makes the difference between a rolling headache and alot of fun.
Max tourque clutch
Sportsman flyer adapter
Get a 2 stroke slide carb and billet intake
The mounting plate that comes with the 79cc can be used to fashion a vertical mount (with buggy clamps) or 2 pieces of angle iron on either side of down tube and seat post tube welded makes a solid mount ..if you have access to a mill (or are good with a drill) you can put slots to adjust left/right.
i ordered a 30m series comet but it seems like they didnt provide all the parts. and now im rethinkin the whole trans situation now, so any trans imputwould be helpful. i want to go at least 30 mph and im 200 lbs
Did you ever get your 79cc bike working with the CVT? The 79cc might not be enough to drive that transmission since I think it probably
will soak up around 1 hp just to drive it. I've had a 212cc on a extended frame 26" SixThreeZero bike for about 3 years now and it is
reliable. The setup is overpowered with such an engine and with a 79cc I would go with a real good quality centrifugal clutch and a
jackshaft. GasBike and King's Bikes has the PhatMoto's for sale and they use a Lifan engine on a aluminum frame a decent buy on a
gasbike setup withouht the headaches of a build! I also built a 49cc from GasBike and the parts in the kit, most of them were junked
and different parts ordered for my 26" Micargi bike. Today, I wouldn't think twice on building another 49cc instead I'd order a PhatMoto
from that company or a distributor like GasBike or King's since with optional equipment like carriers and other add-on's you will
be spending about the price of the PhatMoto with a 79cc engine. Electric is real popular but expensive right now since the battery
costs are high. The PhatMoto bikes have a Lifan engine and not the Predator 79cc on them so keep that in mind although the engines
can be swapped with a little work. Issac on CarsAndCameras did a 79cc Predator swap on the bike on YouTube. Also, His brother is a
bike dealer and sells the PhatMoto bikes.
If that frame has the welded on rack and you are putting a 79cc Predator motor be very mindful of something. Many welded rack frames have cracked around the rack mounts when motorized. It sounds like you are already down the path of doing this build regardless. So I would inspect the area around the rack welds literally every ride. I have built with those motors and they put WAY more stress on the frame than a 66cc China motor and the welded rack frames even cracked often with those. Just be extremely careful, those 79cc are awesome motors and I love them but they need to be taken very seriously on a bicycle.
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