New here and need some tips


New Member
I just joined up and just bought my bike yesterday.

I've got an 80cc engine with 36 miles on it. Once I get above 20 mph I can start to feel some vibrations from the engine and Im looking for tips, suggestions, tweaks or mods I can do to help reduce those vibs.

Thanks and Happy Motoring,
check your hardware all of it on the engine kit. is the frame drilled in the front? make sure all of the lock washers are flat against the bolts thats where i would start.
They all vibrate to some degree. Some more than others, some in different places in the RPM range.

I mount mine with a piece of lead between the frame and mount, and between the "C" shaped clamp and the frame, front and rear.
FWIW My engine is on its 3rd gallon of fuel now and I believe the vibration has subsided some. Although it is still a bit like riding an orbital sander. Make sure all the motor mounts are tight. The stock bolts strip easily so not too tight. You should get around to replacing those bolts with better quality sooner than later. Good luck.

Is your bike steel or aluminum?
Here's a pic of it...

great looking ride i did notice that the front frame has been drilled out to mount the engine. Could be a source of vibration
To cut down on some noise you could get a can of spray rubber (undercoating) for like $4ish and spry the clutch cover/ magneto cover/ and the other cover on the other side of the motor. Take them off have them raised off the ground about 1/4 inch to get a good coating all over them. they should take a few hours to dry. The coating handles heat pretty well once it is completely dry plus it look cool. You can port your intake/ exhaust. You can get the SCSW expansion chamber. Mod some better mounting plates to hold the motor firmer to the frame. Get a better air filter to allow more flow. Just my opinion hope some of the stuff I suggested helps but I would try the first one I said.
The boost bottle industries thing is a bit of hype, can you really quantify 30-40% reduction in vibrations from such a thing?....if you do everything they tell you to do to your bike, before installing the boost bottle, it will improve your ride tremendously.

Going to a 36T is an exellent suggestion.
Mine would vibrate like a beast @ 27MPH with the stock 44t rear sprocket. I think this is attributable to the poor standards with which these motors are assembled.

I recently switched to a 36t rear sprocket and the vibrations have subsided significantly, can't even feel them anymore. I can cruise all day at 30MPH now without feeling any vibration.
Excellent, thanks for all the suggestions guys.

I do have a pack of dynamat which I was thinking about using on the clutch cover and such. It's a very think, dense material with an adhesive side for sticking inside car doors to reduce vibs. I might try this first just to see if it helps.

Also, as was mentioned with my frame being drilled out for the motor mount is there a better way to mount the engine that might help? Or still use that mount but beef it up?
did you paint that bike after you bought it? i like all these colors people have on them but i havent seen any store bought bikes like that...also where did you buy that engine kit? looks really good all in all
I bought the bike exactly as you see it. Brand new bike, brand new engine (36 miles on it) and all assembled. It was even tweaked out by one of the guys at a local Bike shop (Jax's) here on Main St., HB.

The guy I bought it from said he had about $575 in it, which I can totally see he does, if not more. I bought it for $420. I really think I got a great deal on it.

I'm going to dig in and see if I can tame some of the vibs (which aren't bad at all), add a rear basket, a cup holder and replace all the black zip-ties with orange to match the bike frame.
I had my last bike mounted the way your is, don't worry about it and they all vibrate, your just not used to it yet, but with time you will.
Nice looking bike!
To stop the shakes on your hands.
I use the cheap foam grips about $4.00 to $10.00 for a set they really cut down on the vibs that get to your hands. All my bikes have them.
Most bike shops sell them and you can find them on fleabay. for less than $10.00 these grips are not the thin foam that the racing bars have but nice soft fatboy grips.
My daughter has those exact same grips on her beach cruiser. That's an excellent idea. I've got a list going for my next bike shop visit, I'll add those to the list.