New guy in Cali.

You can run fenders if you renforce the mounting. The small center screw just don't cut it. You need bigger bolt and heavy washers under the fender,good lock washers.
Lots of viberation in them little engines............Curt But it seems you like it without, fair weather bike
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Yeah it looks a little more sporty with out the fenders. But I can always put them on, and now I know what i need to do if I want to do so. Thanks for the tip curtisfox :)
Just placed the order from Venice Motor Bikes for the kit!

Gotta love how on eBay, there are sellers from CA that won't ship within the state.

Rather support someone here anyways! :)
So today my engine kit unexpectedly showed up at my front door :o no complaints though. Can't wait to put it together! :D
So to update. The kit is almost complete. I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to spend a majority of my time working on the bike. everything is on the bike, just need to find the best way to tuck the throttle and clutch lines. And I need to get another retainer screw to lock the clutch line to the clutch arm because the one supplied cross threaded when I went to lock the line to the arm :( Also went to kragens yesterday and got a gas can, fuel filter, oil, clamps, and loctite. So today I'm hoping to everything finished. Pic will soon follow :)

So lastnight I started her up for the first time. I only rode around for about three minutes until I had to stop.

And this is why I had to stop lol.

I'm not entirely sure why the master link bent. Maybe you guys could help me with that? I felt like I had enough tension on the chain (chain could move up and down about an inch). And the chain lined up with the sprocket pretty well. I did however notice the motor sat over to the left side a little more then the right (like \ but not so drastic), could that be the issue? Since the only link I lost was the master link I'm going to get some more and try again and possibly pin point the reason why the link bent and came apart. Triail and Error :D

My brother and father watched me as started it up and rode around the court we live on. When the chain failed and I came back to the house and they thought I was going to be mad and upset that it had broken, but I was all smiles :D

Even though there is still work to be done before I can ride it again I'm still like dance1 because these things are awesome!
So after some recon I purchased a #41 chain about a week ago since the master link on the #415 was bent and I'd have to get a new master link, I figured I go with what people have said is better. I've gotten everything buttoned up and I've gone through about a 1/2 gallon of gas. When I first got the bike running my brother clocked my top speed at about 18MPH without the carb tuned and stock spark plug. Couple days after that I got the NGK B5HS spark plug, new tires, and tuned the carb. My brother clocked me at 25MPH top speed. I've noticed the motor starts to bog down near the top before it tops out. I've done some research and I think I need to adjust the c clip. I checked the plug today it looks like it's still running a little rich so I have some tinkering to do. But man these are a lot of fun :D
Sounds like you are having plenty of fun, Mac!

The master link gave out because it's china metal.
...just the way things are... some last, some won't

The needle in the slide works in conjunction with the main jet, and slide cutaway profile and controls rpm from abt 1/4 throttle to 3/4 throttle. Then it's all on the main jet, with, of course, a very little influence from the idle mixture adjustment all the way through the scale.

It is most likely you shall need to change the main jet size. I solder them closed and re-drill to smaller, if needed.

A plug change got you 7mph? That's excellent!

Your motorized bicycle will exceed 30mph once you get it tuned better, and of course, broken in well.

Time well spent to review the carb tuning threads!

Thanks rustycase! I'll be spending a lot of time on here seeing as it's supposed to rain this entire week so I don't think I'll be doing any riding.