New from maine

Shawn Collin

New Member
I am New from maine looking for any guidance i can get as far as Getting my first engine kit. Im a 200+ rider looking for an easy commute to work. With that in mind. Also like to get engine that has enough power to climb hills and do anywhere from 25-40 mph. Can anyone suggest a good engine?

Thanks in advance
Hello Shawn welcome to the forum!
For reliability best bet is a 4 stroke kit. If you are familiar with and good with wrenches you can make a reliable 2 stroke as well. Depends on your selection of wheels, drive and braking system - your skills as a mechanic. I run 2 stroke engines. Built roughly 25 or so over the past 9 years. 3 sons and a couple friends run bikes I've built.
As you continue to think about what you will build, remember @ 200 lbs and the hilly geography common in Maine, your goal should not be focused on top speed but torque. Low end power will be most appreciated. I weigh about 155, run a 48 t rear sprocket on a 29" bike Also a 26" bike with the 41 t rear sprocket. Both can top out at about 35 with a tail wind. At my age (59) I realize a catastrophic event on a bike WILL hurt me so I am very happy tooling around in town and rural areas 18 maybe 25 mph on a good day.
Whatever you decide 2 stroke or 4 - there is a multitude of talent right here on this forum who can guide direct and help you through any prob. you may have. Best of luck to you! and if you are in the Bangor area I would be glad to meet up sometime.
You can see most of my work at the link below. Select "Albums" Tab
Welcome to the forum Shawn, that question has been asked a lot, I have had good luck with several different engine kits. I've got two eBay entry level engines that have held together without any problems, I also have a name brand engine that cost twice as much that's been good too. The biggest thing with any engine is to make sure there's nothing left inside from the factory, I myself and several others here pull the cylinder off and wash out the crankcase before ever running it. The choice is yours.