Need Help Please Wont Start

Ok, now we need to go into the carb, unscrew the big nut on top of the carb and pull out the throttle assembly, disconnect the fuel line from the carb and remove the carb from the motor. Put it on a bench and remove the fuel bowl from the carb its held on with 2 screws,inside you will find the float and a brass coloured prong,this prong is held in with a pin, very gently remove the prong and there is a small black needle hanging from the prong. Do not lose any pieces as they are all small. When you get this far let me know.Meantime go out and buy a small spray can of carb cleaner.
Will they get the bike going? Will they trow their hands up in frustration and go for a beer?

Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion of "Days of Our Bikes".
hello all

i got it started!!!!!

i just adjusted the flower nut.

it worked for about 10 min.

then it died. i started it again and then it wouldn't pull any wait.

OK this morning it started with know problem, and was sounding and acking well.
when i started it

soo ill let you know if there is more problems

i am still looking at getting a new carb, any upgrade one i need to look for
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OK this morning it started with know problem, and was sounding and acking well.
when i started it

soo ill let you know if there is more problems

i am still looking at getting a new carb, any upgrade one i need to look for

ok its messing up agin.

i tryed different choke settings, know difference.

here is what it is doing: i pedal up to 10mph, release clutch, it starts, then either i pedal, and the engine stays on, but there is know power going to the wheels.
i pull on the clutch, and it dies.

it is getting gas and a spark. its just dosent have any power.
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Will they get the bike going? Will they trow their hands up in frustration and go for a beer?

Tune in next time for the thrilling conclusion of "Days of Our Bikes".

rotfl Back to our regularly scheduled programing.

Plug gap or just the plug? Easy and cheaper then carb trade. Never happened to me but have read here that even seeing spark is not the same as good spark. Dunno, just a thought.
you know i might just have a oil rich gas mix.

my plug is gapet to .030. but it is black and oilly.

i also think i may have loss in compresstion.

we will figour out the drama bike soon enuff, i am not giveing up. but a 4stroke honda sounds good right now.
you know i might just have a oil rich gas mix.

my plug is gapet to .030. but it is black and oilly.

i also think i may have loss in compresstion.

we will figour out the drama bike soon enuff, i am not giveing up. but a 4stroke honda sounds good right now.

no thoughts, i lessen my mix, and rebiuldt the carb. and still the same
I had similar problem. Turned out the carb float was leaky and filled with fuel, and became a "sink", causing irreversible flooding. Does your carb leak fuel? If so, this is probably your problem.
Shut off the fuel valve and try starting. Engine may run until float bowl empties.
New floats can be purchased from
yes it is leaking

so im just going to get a new carb.

and thank you, that might just be it

hope to hear more from you mike
so seence i ordered a new carb, i thought, why not tinker with the old one.

so i did, and guess what i found, my throdle screw does not do sh""t. so i took it out and sodered it shut, slaped it on my bike, and wa-la it started and it was GREAT!!!!!

im not having any trouble anymore. i road it to work today and it was so cool. i got double takes like no outher.

so i am expecting more power with the new carb.

so the drama bike is finualy working(^)(^)

and i owe it too all you how wanted to help me. thank you.

and all of you who didnt comment on this thred, you still helpt me by posting all those pages of usefull info. thank you.

so once i develiop my cam, there will be a thred for the DRAMA 80cc.

thank you
A cam for a China Girl? this I gotta see. So you enjoyed your first ride, kinda like the first time for sex, ain't it? Happy Hills & Trails Walter F.
A cam for a China Girl? this I gotta see. So you enjoyed your first ride, kinda like the first time for sex, ain't it? Happy Hills & Trails Walter F.

im sorry i got you all exected, i was talking about a cameria.

and yes as threilling as sex once your doing it right ;)
and less tireing. lol