Necro's 4 speed 125cc Lifan Build Thread

Im liking you use of angle iron. I like that your mount is also mounting the jackshaft. Now did you cut the bottom angle then bend it or did you cut an angle then weld it. Its kinda hard to tell from the pics, one pic makes it look one way another the other. Well anyway nice bike, looks like it should scoot.
Im liking you use of angle iron. I like that your mount is also mounting the jackshaft. Now did you cut the bottom angle then bend it or did you cut an angle then weld it. Its kinda hard to tell from the pics, one pic makes it look one way another the other. Well anyway nice bike, looks like it should scoot.

I cut the bottom angle and hammered on it till it was the right shape, then drilled some holes and bolted pieces of steel across the cuts since I'm not the best welder yet.
typing this one-handed please excuse lack of capitalization and spelling errors

going to have to put the build on hold for a couple weeks. today while cutting a piece of fuel line my hand slipped and i sliced open my wrist with a utility knife. got a cut almost three inches long and an inch deep. by some miracle the knife missed all the major veins and arteries, all the big nerve bundles, all the tendons, and everything else important. the cut was so deep that they had to do multiple layers of stitches to close it. now my whole lower left arm is wrapped in bandages and I have to wear a splint for a week. also huge ER bill.

pics for those interested, definitely NSFW, click at your own risk:
Careful!!!! Ouch, bet you won't do that again. Well it could have been worse, glad your alright so I can see this bike get built.
Nov. 1970 i crossed the tracks, left wrist cut the last 3 tensions, artery, main nerves. Accident at work, 1972 had 3 surgerys at mayo clinic. 1st the recut and fixed the nerves, 8 hr. on the table. Got better than half my feeling back, the rest was tennison work. Works quit well, most don't know until they look close.
One thing for sure when you pick up a knife again you will have that running through your mind, will be never forgotten..................Curt
Dang man, Quite the cut. It makes sense that you didn't cut anything important sine the cut was vertical and not horizontal. You know as well as I do that everything runs vertically. Slice it horizontally and everything is severed...
Dang man, Quite the cut. It makes sense that you didn't cut anything important sine the cut was vertical and not horizontal. You know as well as I do that everything runs vertically. Slice it horizontally and everything is severed...

actually, vertical is usually worse, cause anything that is cut is very hard to repair and if you hit an artery you'll often bleed to death cause they cant fix it
Just finished the first test ride, it was a disaster. The wheel pulled out of alignment, the jackshaft did the same, and a piece of metal bent because it wasn't strong enough. I rode it all of a hundred feet. Now I have to put the build on hold for a while because I have no money to fix it on account of not being able to work for 3 weeks while my hand healed.
Scratch what I said last post, I found a piece of metal on the floor of my garage that I was able to use to make things work. I just finished the first test ride, and I now need to figure out why the chain skips when I accelerate or try to climb a steep hill, but I was able to ride around my neighborhood in first and second gear at about 5-10 mph for about half an hour. I also took it down a long hill and got it up to about 30. This thing is going to be great.
Careful breaking chains and using the same pin instead of a master link. Every time I do that, even with our mountain bikes, the chains break. Now I always use a master link or half link.
So, after riding it a bit more, I can't figure out why the bike jerks and makes a clicking sound when I accelerate. It's something to do with the gears and chains, but I can't figure out what. Anyone got any ideas?
It's likely related to chain sizes or sprockets being too small or anywhere near off/incorrect size. If you used 420 on a 41 sprocket, etc.
Jerking could be the engine not getting enough fuel. You could try a pump. Plus you've just got a lot of chains and complexity everywhere...
Clutch may also need adjustment... but out of the box? Hopefully not... but it's a Chinese engine correct?

Edit: After some more research it's very likely you need more fuel delivery to the carb. Gravity feed isn't enough for even small motorcycle engines.
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