We planed to leave on leap day and come back on april 1st. We where calling it a Bug out Bicycle trip. From Florida to Californa unsuported with one wheel trialers. We had 30 days and over 2000 miles.We planned to take the Old Spanish Trail {HWY 90} to Vanhorn,Tx. and inerstate 8 to
El Centro,Ca..
We thought we whould get 100 to 200 miles a day and have time to make the trip back,making it
over 4000 miles long. But I had not learnd enuogh from the first time I tried.
El Centro,Ca..
We thought we whould get 100 to 200 miles a day and have time to make the trip back,making it
over 4000 miles long. But I had not learnd enuogh from the first time I tried.