My project(s)

Ok, I want to get the Haro cleaned and painted this winter, and hopefully build it as well. I need opinions, should I powdercoat or paint?

Either way, I'm thinking blue...but not the same homo light blue it has now (BTW, my gay friend thought that was funny, so you have no reason to be offended). Anyone got a darker shade they like that I might?
I called the local powdercoaters. Was told 20-25 to sandblast it, probably 80-85 to paint it, unless they don't have the color in stock which will be another 25 for UPS to send the color. So 135 to get it fully ripped and coated. I think I can live with that once I have the cash.

I'm kinda pissed right now. I spent 3 bucks on the battery for that digital speedo I have, just to find out that when the wheel spins the speedo goes dim and blanks out unless you tap it. Guess I'll have a spare battery laying around for the next one.

Spent most of yesterday researching LED's (I'm unemployed, I have nothing better to do) and what it will take to make a headlight, taillight, signals, and light up my entire bike and trailer. Fascinating stuff I tell you.

Also trying to scrounge up wood for my trailer right now.
Found a whole pile and a half of wood under my mom's mobile home.... Gonna go out in a little bit and see what I can fit to my bike trailer...maybe get that box built on it today :D
Got the base sheet of wood cut and drilled, ready for mounting, just need to get some longer bolts. Hopefully my check comes tomorrow, then I can get the bolts, and some 1x1 and more sheet to make the framework, sides, and top :D
Also got the CHMSL (3rd brake light) from a Pontiac Grand Prix today (junkyard run with a friend of mine). Led unit, might just use this instead of making a taillight for my trailer. I need to put a new battery in my multimeter, and see how many amps this assembly draws... I know it will be stupidly visible, thats for sure.
Would have had an actual update with pictures today, but the lumber store in town closed 15 minutes before I could get there to buy the stick of 1x2 I needed. Bummer....

On the other hand, I got the hardware I needed for putting it all together, and will be bringing the frame into the house to wrap with shiny reflective tape :D
Tomorrow I need to run to the lumber store, grab the 1x2, hit the hardware store (or Napa) up for a can of rubberized undercoat, then assemble and undercoat.

After that, run to the lumber store again, this time with assembled and usable trailer, and get a sheet of plywood, and have them cut it to size for me so that I can run it home and assemble them walls of my trailer. Need to remember to grab some hinges as well when I'm at the hardware store, for the trailer lid. Not sure if I am going to spraypaint the assembled trailer box or what.

Anyhow, more real details tomorrow, along with pics.

Base of trailer is just about together. Plywood has been framed underneath and is loosely bolted to the trailer frame. Getting ready to crank it down and then cut out the openings for the wheels to stick up through. After that I can put it together, run back to the lumber store (for the 3rd time today) and get a couple sheets of plywood, cut down to the sizes I need. Also got the can of rubberized undercoat, and hinges and latch for the lid here already as well.

Before doing the wood work I wiped down the trailer frame and wrapped the back and sides with white reflective tape. Pics in a couple hours or so folks.
And behold, pictures. Trailer base is finished and functional. Sides and top go on when I get home on Thursday. Trailer was test assembled before rubber coating, and that test assembly was used to haul the precut sides and lid home from the lumber store down the road :D

Also need to put fenders on the inside as well, and coat the bottom of those. Don't want mud/water/dog doo flinging up inside the box.

Ok...scratch is being a ****** and I don't have a card reader with me to pull the pics from my memcard..... *&^)*%(^*%)(&*^ camera.....
FINALLY!!! I can post pictures....




So I should be ordering the F80 kit from Duane (ThatsDax) next week. Any recommendations for his kit upon installation? Will the carb need any tweaking or other adjustments, or should it be good to go from the box? Seen people talking about reed clip this and other crap that. Figured now would be a good time to actually pay attention :D
Trailer looks great!

I have never had to do any thing with Daxs kits. Always were good out of the box, so dunno.

Got my very first china girl from the DaxMiyster. Not wanting to look as clueless as I truly was, I asked about plug gap and the inevitable "My cluch is stiff" questions. Big D; "Eyeball it and push it in hard. Ya won't break it" LOL and he was right. Really like doing biz with him.

(Didn't catch on for a few builds but the trick to stiff clutches on the chinagirls is just leading em right)
I was making a joke of the fact that the sheet of wood that is the trailer floor was where I painted the wheels of the trailer :D