My Old Truck

Thanks Corgi1 & Gearnut. I just wrote that info down for possible use tomorrow. Would be nice if a little tube of "stuff" could fix the problem!
Just wondering, Mike, is the truck fuel injected? If not you could consider replacing the in-tank fuel pump with a stand alone electric pump that could be mounted outside the tank and then you'd avoid the high dollar in-tank replacement. Due to space considerations I've run electric pumps on several street rods and they performed perfectly for thousands of miles. Of course if the engine is injected then it needs the high pressure pump and associated plumbing.
The mechanic called a few hours ago and gave me hard figures on fixing my old truck.
New in-tank fuel pump installed ... ..............$345.68
New sepentine belt and tensioner installed ... $188.62
Total for both repairs ................................$534.30

I told him to go ahead and hopefully I'll have my truck back sometime tomorrow. Not a small amount but actually somewhat less than I thought it might run ... I'm starting to get happy again. :D

My thanks to everyone for their help and input.

(Tom, thanks for the electric pump idea but looks like I need the in-tanker.)
(Corgi1 & Gearnut ... mechanic will be doing the dielectric greese on the connections too.)
Re: My Old Truck: Vol. II

My Old Truck: Vol. II

Well, shortly after getting my old truck back from the machanic it died on me again while I was waiting for my breakfast at the BurgerKing window. I told the little girl at the window what the problem was and pretty soon the manager came out side to help push me out of the way. Fortunately there were two big guys in another truck who told me to stay behind the wheel and stear ... then they pushed me to a parking spot. Took pitty on the old gray haired guy.

I tried to pay for their breakfast but they wouldn't have it. Said they'd been in trouble before themselves. I maintain this is a great country. Hope I can return the favor someday ... to them or someone else.

Anyway, the truck still quits running and then won't start until it sits awhile. Sometimes it'll start up quicker with starting fluid ... sometimes it'll start without starting fluid after it sits.? The machanic says they'll delve deeper. He says they'll make things right. Maybe install a new part with no charge ... or something. I'm saying keep trying and we'll do whatever's right in the end.

I hope this isn't going to be one of those electrical nightmares.