my live to regret it - bought a monkey Z5o clone w/ sidcar for 1100

Anxious to see a pic of your machine --- it actually sounds intriguing! However, it would probably be harder to transport to 'exotic' locales such as New Mexico and Colorado! :D
I did the practical part of my motorcycle licence test on a 250cc Jawa outfit. The testing officer was a little amused because he'd never had anyone show up for a practical test with a sidecar outfit before, but there was nothing in the regulations that said I couldn't. The test went really well and I passed with flying colours.
Huzhou Daixi Zhenhua is the full name of the manufacturer (I've done some Googling - lol)

"Ice Bear" is the US National Dealer/Supplier.................and the site I bought from "megamotromadness", as well as another internet dealer, "Saferwholesales", and one other I ran across buy from "Ice Bear", and in turn sell to the Public. Ice Bear buys from Zhenhua.
They began to sell their wears in the US in 2006, though the Honda Monkey and CT70Clones were first made in the 90's and offered I assume in other nations/or China prior to 2006.

manufacturer's website

as you can see I purchased the ZH-110SR-CZ

xseler, I lost me digital camera last year ;-/. I can post a pict of two kids I found in the net of the thing I bought and in the same "army green" color.

for some reason this site is not user friendly in posting pictures within the threads here. I'm not sure how to do it. and I since I rarely took photos when I had a camera (like 2 picts a year at most) I do not use any "net based photo posting services".

Howdy all - since a few days ago, I've been giving some thought as to "how to skin" the sidecar (as you know I'm big into customizing (refer to my goped pict here for an example). Yesterday I was at first pretty solid on the idea of using a "car rooftop storage bag" like the Thule or Yakima - and just fit the clothe over the steel-tube frame of the "naked sidecar"...............but after measuringesp the width - the sidecar is 20" and the Yakima (the looks of I like a lot BTW!) is 32" too fat, so will not work so no need to shell out 98 bucks for a bag that is too big.

later I thought - "ok maybe a travel bag" (like the biggest ones with wheels (for air travel). ................closer, but even the huges ones are a tad too small (cost was around 90 bucks).

last yesterday I thought of maybe one of the "Dog Igloo" dog houses --- just cut-off the top and use that for the cone front for my sidecar....all the dog ones were too big (wide - like the Auto-mobile bags)........BUT the is a Cat House Igloo that would fit.

.....however........I've decided (from viewing John Kolar(sp)'s Yout Tube gardening channel -huge fan of John and like him love to garden (I know there are gardener's here - guys/gals, check John's site out - he's got a lot of knowledge and helpful tips.

............long story.less long................I noticed a Wheel Barrow on one of this shows - and I thought OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so I bought a plastic (I can't work with metal one - so plastic is my choice) barrow top (measured a few - and found one that would fit over the steel-tube sidecat - sawed off the "bottom" (which is now the top - I will of course be using the Barrow Top in an inverted manner - it fits perfectly over the steel-tube frame inverted.

I'm now painting the Barrow with metallic flake Hunter Green - to match the Monkey bike's "Army Green" (which I prefer to think of as British Racing Green................which AFAIK all three are the same color anyway!

.so far so good.

I welcome input/advice ------------looking for a windscreen for both the Monkeybike and the Sidecar. the latter I'd like to be a low and wide as possible, yet to match in overall style of the one that will be on the bike.

I really have not looked around to much on windscreens yet - must be decent ones that will take a beating and has solid mounting brackets of some sort.

welcome input Ladies and Gentlemen.

might decide to add a mirror on the outside of the car too -- it will have to match that of the Monkeybike's - for asthetic(sp) reasons.

good day.
update: got the top "skin" (the inverted wheel barrow) painted to match bike (metallic british racing green) ready to install directly over the steel-tube frame now (waiting for some epoxy-spots on the top to fully dry first. all is actcually being built according to plan (this BTW never happens in my world - so just waiting for some snag to present itself).

Have heard for years that "Chinese junk bikes" rust themselves by just looking at them - so bought some stuff - ACF-50 - which is said to help prevent that.

Bought a small seat and scooter windscreen to put on the sidecar - they are on the way. Still looking for a windscreen for the Monkey - "Slipstreamer" has a nic one that would fit, but its tinted! - no way - I want clear thanks. already on thin ice with such a small bike on the road, why increase that with a screen that will reduce my visibility even more? There is also something called "Spitfire" - which looks nice, except for the moniker/advertizement on the screen in red letters "spitfire". I want to get paid if I'm advertising for someone.

no smartphone and no camera sadly - maybe I can find one eventually and take a pict. not into taking picts much, we'll see.


Like the big fat seat on the Bike - it looks just like the one Honda Z50a 1969 Monkey.

Why Honda killed off their own successful for 20 yrs line of small bikes - only to create a void for others (like the Chinese) to fill, I'll never understand. Now Honda has the new Grom, its like they are Ripvan winkle "hey! someone is making the our bikes without us"!!!!!!!! (ya - for like 20 fookin yrs they have - where the **** you been Honda?)

lol - now Skyteam is making a Grom Clone - this time they didn't even wait for Honda to cancel production of their bike first!!

Serves Honda right anyway. Neer should have cancelled their old line of bikes in the first place.
Speaking of Honda - its not just their motorcycles that are boring - there whole line of automobiles since the CRX bore the crap outta me.

I find all cars post early 80's to be utterly unispiring, and don't even get me started on the "WTF did the Manuals/HTF do I buy a 4 or 5 speed Manual car today - issue.

ONLY the Fiat 500, of all the hundreds of new cars offered in America, has any appeal to me (and it has some dumb "safety-collar" - like a condom on the shifter!.which is suppose to prevent morons from shifting into reverse while in 5th gear.

WHAT? - remove that damn think! it is in the way of my HAND. I liked the test drive of that car EXCEPT that damned plastic condom ................unless it can be removed, its a deal breaker for me. seriously that think bugged the sheit out of me while driving around the city streets
ok, friend loaned me a camera and I took some picts of the now finished sidecar.

picts are too big for this site. I will have to install XnView, and edit the pictures to fit within this forum's limits.

will take a couple of days - will return after I XnView them.