my kinda


minor bike philosopher

Sheriff's car
The Kern County, CA Sheriff's Department orders plain white patrol units and has the graphics applied locally. In this case, what they ordered was not quite what they got.

This car was driven for 1 week before an officer noticed what the graphics company employee did on the passenger side of the car. The employee did this on his last day working for the graphics company before he retired .


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It should be there now I hosted it myself instead of using the host that my brother used to send it to me.
Joe all i can figure is you have some kind of filter the screens out images with some kinds of words. It's a sheriffs car the graphics read. "We'll kick your ass" "and take your donuts too" Sheriff.

But the fact that it took them a while to notice reminds me of the seventies when I was playing cops and robbers. We had a car thief who would steal a car, then go switch the plates with a totally different car. We almost never caught him, it was a rookie a couple of years after his spree began that got him on a speeding charge. The bad guy couldn't produce the registration and insurance information so got busted. Thats when we realized why we couldn't catch him.
That is very very VERY funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that should be on every cop car. I would like to be a cop if that was on the side of my car. rotfl(^)
i downloaded the picture to the server and made a thumbnail. just click on the thumbnail for full size picture