My junkyard build TrainTrain


New Member
Ok heres the start to my junk yard build. This is where I got to today and still have a long way to go. The frame is an old 27 inch that I hacked up months back and didnt know what to do with it. The rims are 12 gauge I bought and never had anything to use it on. Handlebars came off one of my MoonDogs. Crank is a schwinn freewheeling crank, and the motor is off my cafe bike thats going to get a rebuild.
But its a start still have to make some idler wheels for the chain from the motor to the crank and add some cross braces and build a tank. But I got all summer right??


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just as long as you want mine has gone through three changes and may do it again...
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That's a different approach . Eliminate the need for a jack shaft by offset alone . Way to go . Keep us up to date on your progress . ......... D.J.
Now thats what I call thinking outside the box. I really like the surrealness of it. Too coollllllllll.........................
With all that open space your opportunities are endless. One engine for each wheel? Snowmobile engine? Have fun with it!!
need to put a baby seat in the open space, get your kids into it too, or a giant basket, and deliver pizzas and enjoy your hobby at the same time make enough money for bike parts.
Looks like a GREAT application for that spring tensioner Terry...

Your so right Geo, Thats the next step that I have to do before trying to fire it up. The problem I ran into was Im touching the top of the motor and the top of my motor mount I welded in with the chain. I was trying to do it without one and after repositioning the motor I started touching. Ive rode it around the block a bit pedaling to test it and its like you dont even notice the offset. I think Im going to have to build some guide sprockets for both sides of the crank to make sure when it goes through the gears it goes through them and not me. But the main thing is going to be chain control on both sides of the crank and I should be fine. Thinking about a 1/8 inch flat plate behind the crank and mount the sprokets then make it look pretty after I make it run good. Just going to make it work then Im going to strip it and find an old barn some where and hide it there. lol