My first ride... No joy.


There is jus' a lil bit of difference between Pennsylvanian cold and the frozen north that is Crazeh Canada lol, but rain gear over warm clothing helps a lot ;)
It gets so damp and cold here, there are times that you will see no one outside unless it is from or to a vehicle, let alone riding a bike.
It's hard to tell with a cell phone photo but it looks like there's no clamp or bracket on the muffler. I don't think I'd want to run one of these things very much without having the middle or lower end of the muffler clamped to the bike frame. With that much metal cantilevered off those two exhaust studs and such a small mating area to the engine the stress from vibration and the weight of the muffler is very likely to break off a stud.
Perhaps I've just been lucky but my kit came with nothing to secure the muffler. I rode it on all surfaces including many offroad trails, the whole of last season with no problems.