My first famous customer!!

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
I had my first "famous" customer yesterday!
I didn't know who he was until later that night.
I sold a bike to Kevin Dillon, (Matt Dillons brother)
I got a call from a guy named Kevin saying that he saw my website & wanted to buy a bike.
He called back the next day & left a message saying Hi, this is Kevin Dillon & I want to come by today to buy that bike from you,; so I wrote down his name & number... (not at all thinking about the name)

So he came by & looked at all the bikes, bought one of them, and picked out another for a future build.
The whole time I was thinking "this guy looks & talks just like Matt Dillon" (I still didn't know who he was!) rotfl
Then my wife came home that evening and looked at the note pad & said "Kevin Dillon?... Matt Dillons brother?"
My wife looked up his name on the web and I saw a pic of him & said... "yep! that's him!" "He was just here buying a bike."
I felt like a real idiot not figuring out who he was!!! :-{

Anyways... thats my little story for the day!! :D
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Very cool. When he comes back take his pic on your bike for the website. Motor Bike Builder to the stars.....
I had my first "famous" customer yesterday!
I didn't know who he was until later that night.
I sold a bike to Kevin Dillon, (Matt Dillons brother)
I got a call from a guy named Kevin saying that he saw my website & wanted to buy a bike.
He called back the next day & left a message saying Hi, this is Kevin Dillon & I want to come by today to buy that bike from you,; so I wrote down his name & number... (not at all thinking about the name)

So he came by & looked at all the bikes, bought one of them, and picked out another for a future build.
The whole time I was thinking "this guy looks & talks just like Matt Dillon" (I still didn't know who he was!) rotfl
Then my wife came home that evening and looked at the note pad & said "Kevin Dillon?... Matt Dillons brother?"
My wife looked up his name on the web and I saw a pic of him & said... "yep! that's him!" "He was just here buying a bike."
I felt like a real idiot not figuring out who he was!!! :-{

Anyways... thats my little story for the day!! :D

It'd probably surprise you that it was a relief to him that he wasnt recognised... but I wanna know if Angelina Jolie turns up rotfl

You could have started a craze lol

Jemma xx
(^) Very COOOOOL VP (^) So is it going to be Venice Motorbikes for the stars? You should get some pics of him on a bike and get it up on your site, that will sell a few MB's.