what other reed box would you try to use? and it may seem simple but it is pretty dang time consuming, there is only about 1/8 inch of threads holding the reed block on along with Permanent red locktite, what ever though it was something i was doing to pass time so it didnt really matter.
I've been experimenting a little with some RC model engine reed boxes as well as some from chainsaw engines of comparable size, I'm still in the "draiwing board" stage with it right now as I put that project on hold and bought a new bottom end and set it up with a decent performing jug, piston, and carb setup so I could keep my bike running while I got the other engine out and experimenting.
After seeing how Theon filled his case behind the jug with JB weld and got everything to fit, I was thinking about doing the same and using a DLE reed valve and block off a 66cc RC engine. This reed is also the same reed used in the OS GT60 rc engine and used in the RSE reed valve kits for these engines, or at least the Austrailian big block version uses this reed while the U.S. versions sold at JNM use a much smaller reed.
What's attractive about this reed and box is it's compactness and ability to flow well enough to support a 19 to 21mm carb (guessing by looking at the petals fully extended in it's box), and the price as these reeds cost about $16 for the reed and plastic reed box.
The other reeds I got over here looked like they would work well except for more fabrication required to make them fit.
The Arrow reed setup looks like it's just as easy to adapt and convert to case inducted. For the 1/8" thick area that it has to bolt to, if I was to use this reed I would countersink the holes from inside and use countersunk screws as mounting studs with a small slot in the end of each screw for a screwdriver to hold them still while installing or removing the reed box, this would eliminate the risk of stripping the threads but would require taking the cases apart to install the screws.
After seeing the reeds first hand and looking at different mounting options etc, I've pretty much narrowed it down to the DLE and the Arrow reed setup but hadn't made my final decision on which one I'll end up using, One is small, cheap, and flows well, the other costs more, it's bigger, but it's a proven performer. Also, I still need to buy an Arrow reed box and have it in my hand before I can really decide which way to go with this.
I love to tinker and experiment so there's no telling what I'll end up doing at this point.