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Good going Large I wish you the best of luck with it and it is so worth it. I weighed around 230ish and when I couldn't make a run for something that was when I knew it was time to do something and I didn't go on any crazy diets just cut out fast food and soda that was a biggie for me lost 20 pounds almost right away from that alone. I started walking a lot then got a bicycle and that is what kept it off me. But keep at it and don't give up it is a lot of hard work but in the end you will look back one day and be like WOW!.
It's actually not as hard as I had originally thought. Got my salad right here with just vinagareete no crutons or bacon.
I just don't think about eating.
I like watching "Man VS.Wild" with Bear Grills.
He be showing us just what is edible out there and here I am with a HUGE supply of energy right in my belly!
I surely could last a week in the wild with just water and some berries.
We really don't need all this food that's around us.
I like that cave man thinking but then again I'm sure a cave man probably had to go days and days without eating because they would miss I can't wait to see that Jack Black movie.
We as a part of the first world countries really are rather pampered compared to the rest of the world.
That's what I think of when I look at food anymore.
And I read what I write constantly when my cravings for French fries fried in lard hits me hard then I go for an apple and pretend it's a large order of french fries.
Deacon-- Know the hide the food,just like a drunk with booze. Your choice in Krispy Cremes proves we could be brothers. Pure perfection.

Large, you have who knows how many people pulling for you? Everyone who reads your blog is hoping you do it because it gives them courage to try or keep going. Your the leader in the fight.

When I lost 55 Lbs I went back to a town that I lived in for 10 years. I'd been gone for 18 months. People looked at me like they knew me but couldn't place me. Even friends I saw every day. If I didn't say anything they had no idea who I was.

That was a power rush. People who dismissed me as me, suddenly were my best friends. The best friends were so happy for me they couldn't put it into words.
I have to keep at it for life. I'm no smaller but I'm also no bigger.
The thought of 305 lbs again scares me.