Mountain Pie - Trek 3500 with Smart Pie Motor and Bottle Battery

Re: Mountain Pie

awesome!you should add another waterbottle bat in series(for testing purposes of course)and smoke some puppy's.Or would the overcharge protection on the bms shut them off?Can you run them in series?anybody know?
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Re: Mountain Pie

actually i am really happy with the set up. plenty fast for in the woods plus the controller not rated for that kind of power lol. it still amazes me how light the whole set up is. as i said the first mountain bikes i had weighed more then this set up with the smart pie motor and the bottle battery. i don't baby it either. it has flown thru the air more then once. fun as heck to jump with and light enough to bunny hop small obstacles
It looks great!Nice and clean!Your bikes all look pro made.Those are some nice kits.Would go nice on a road bike too.Those are some nice looking trekk's you got and what a great place to ride!You should be getting a lot of joy out of those smooth silent machines.You really cant beat electric these days
thanks kevyleven. they are lots of fun that is for sure. put 40 miles on the trek pure today which has the magic pie 3 with a 48v battery. went to work then home for a while then back to work and home again with a charge in between trips at work. 10 miles to the airport from the north shore which i live on to the south shore over a small mountain range. it only takes me a few minutes longer to get their by e-bike then it does with the car and a lot more fun with the e-bike
someone had asked me about the smart pie free wheeling. i knew it was good but not sure how good., today rode with a friend. his bike was non motorized so i never even turned on the battery. on the way home their was a small hill if you could call it that. anyway we were tired from pedaling and just coasted. my bike with the smart pie on it basically left him in the dust. we got home and it didn't make sense to me. so i checked his bike to make sure the brakes were not rubbing or anything and they weren't. so bottom line is the smart pie does free wheel as good as a non motorized bicycle or better then some. you can not even tell the bicycle has a motor their when pedaling
makes sense.going down hill the heavier bike has the advantage.I bet pedaling up hill is a different story.Lucky for you, you dont have to.I really like the way it looks but wish it was a little stronger,say 600watt.Still,it sounds great.Most brushless motors freewheel pretty good these days.It was the old brushed ones that didnt.
i ordered the new 48v 15ah golden motor battery for the cruiser and decided i wanted some more ump with the motorized mountain bike and put the rear mount back on for the 48v 10ah battery. i didn't have that nice stealth look like with the bottle but love the extra power when riding around town and stuff and not in the woods. it only takes a minute to switch out the battery's depending on where i am riding. woods 36v and roads 48v. decided to paint the big battery and i really like the way it turned out. its amazing what a little paint can do. i also modified the mount so it is shorter and is only a few inches above the rear tire that helps with the bike being top heavy. here is a picture of the results


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That is one of the best looking bikes I have ever seen! Great job. I am still torn between an electric or gas...but if I had the cash to burn I would go electric. I love this Trek!
only thing i did was took my time running wires so they are not seen and then painted the battery to match the bicycle. painting the battery made all the difference in the world. thank you for the compliment though. i really do love my motorized electric bicycles