Mount alternator on top of back tire?

entropy is bull crap.those stars u see up there are only quantum holes.they are actually pure energy generators. some shut down, others will not. not all of them stars up there will shut down.time is displacement.time displacement is FORCED RERORMATION of itself ina tri-locomotion.for example and i know i'm saying to much but here goes.the sun and planets of this solar system ARE ONE OF THE SAME THING IN DIFFERANT STAGES OF REFORMATION!!!! -because these bodies are soooo big and we are so small on this sub atomic partical it seems to us that reformation is happening very slowly!!!
ex. mercury is mars- neptune is earth and so forth.jupiter is a baby is not a planet however,all the planets of this system are actually the reformation /birth OF ANOTHER LIGHT PARTICLE. Why did some one have to mention entropy???

this solar system stops at pluto.............other solar systems will not.
what this means is that this so called universe WILL NOT some day burn itself out.

P.S. Boy do I ever hate this god dam province and this god dam city of edmonton of crap and I call this peice of worthless garbadge toiletville.
this is why booze and physics don't mix.

I'd hate to be the one to break it to him that a couple years ago Pluto's planetary status was revoked and it's now part of the Kuiper Belt. Also I'd hate to see his rationalization of disregarding physical bodies take place in the kitchen, as I'd hate to drink a cheeseburger and french fry chocolate milkshake..

Hey Momentum...... The quantum scientists say; that's exactly what will eventually happen ;if quntum keeps getting screwd with.quote"you'll order orange juce in a glass,and the waitress tells you that she'll try. Then she ends up bringing u gingerale in a shoe."
My uncle is a retired p.h.d. tech engineer.He spent many years in the feild of auto saftey and solar energy.He ended up being one of the supervisors on the Canada Arm project for the U.S. space shuttle.Years ago he visited and was talking about linears people thought he was losn it because of devorce. Now I know a thousand times more about linears than he does .I dont get their pay checks but man o man who needs em when I can have it warm when its cold and cool when its hot.
Yea BarleyAwake,Im okay the weather is beautifull and if I can get in, I'll spray wash my winter bike and get it ready to mount the motor.I just finished running the chain through a chain cleaner full of varsol and then some used transmision oil now I'll blast the chain with pressure wand and blow it out with air hose. Then I will relube the chain.Pluto is now a part of my bike because I said so.You dont know what N.A.S.A. really knows about the moon and will never tell because all your conception will be lost and youll end up in a cicyle ward,but I know what they know.
P.S. Park Tool U.S.A. are greaaaat!!!:):):):):)
Nice to meet everyone :) I've been lurking around reading and looking for ideas and I was thinking about adding back electrical power as well.. but a alt/gen prolly would crash the 2nd law of thermo. dynamics... Then they fired the NIF laser and produced more energy then they needed to fire the lasers.. anyway I was thinking more of of permanent neodymium magnet around the the inside of the wheels with a free spinning center hub of coil winding/stators. I really wish I had more time to try this. Anyone else think we could get a fair amount of distance from this?
Some one is firing lasers and producing more energy than it takes? wow!!!! I like that. Anyway, as far as your electric idea, check out bionX electric bikes they have exacrly what you're talking about. :):)