motorized kit


New Member
I bought a 69 cc motorized kit, set it up on a beach cruiser put universal 2 cycle oil 6 ounces to one gallon but the engine will not start,this is a new kit.
What's the ratio for the oil. Some oils run rich or lean depending on the product. But you should at least get it started.

Remove the plug wire and try to start the motor and check to see if you have spark in the cable. Cable or spark plug could be bad.

Check to see if your carb. Fuel may not be supplied to the jet.

Or maybe you have an air leak, check the placement of the carb. Make sure it's all the way in.

I have had these problems and going through step by step help eliminate them.
Welcome to the forum. Check and make sure your white wire is not grounded. Unhook your kill switch, sometimes they are bad. Just more things to try. If you don't get it started keep asking. Lots of helpful folks here. Glad you joined us..................
your oil mixture sounds right for 20/1 mix which is break in. I think the kill switch disconnect might be the first thing to try along with looking at the spark on the plug as has been suggested.

Also if you have not sealed the intake manifold I would do that regardless. Most of them leak air badly enough to keep it from starting.

those two are the easy fixes after that you need someone with better knowledge than me,

ps welcome