motorized biker killed in hit and run

Indeed they did catch him, he even confessed, hence how I could list him by name earlier ;-}

But what really disturbs me the most is the thought of laying beaten up, bloody, and frying on that beyond blistering hot roadway in traffic.

Enough of this topic for me, a bit too close to home and brutal for me other than this final thought for Cody Davis, 22, of Tempe Arizona.


If you can't pull your head out Cody, never operate ANYTHING more complex than your feet, and even then you better not try to chew gum at the same time.
Hard to see what happened really- no lights is a bad deal at night.

The usual motorbike problem- cars pulling in front of not realizing how fast bike is going and/or not seeing riders.

I hit a chevy head on at almost 60 mph in a USCF race back in '78- and thought a lot about it since--

I think if a crash with a car is unavoidable- your best shot is to stay over the top of it- I sorta long jumped across the hood but ended up crashing onto the front end of a car parked beside it all, before bouncing onto the pavement.

You gotta have a helmet on- a big oversized Kucharik "hair net' leather helmet saved my life that day- but I still broke two fingers- I didn't even play guitar or keys back then, but now I do and it's a liability.

Plus, JUST SLOW DOWN when approaching an intersection- you gotta almost assume the cars will pull in front of you, and better slowed-down-a little safe, than this kind of sorry.

I hate to see this- there was a fatal accident last fall on a Central Indiana Bicycling Association weekly training ride- a collision between car and biker--

cars aren't getting any less frequent- I do sorta miss the old days back in the 60's and '70's- even if it was more wild and wooly in other ways.
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When i was a kid my pops told me to watch what im doing & watch what the other person may or may not do when driving , riding & walking. & sometimes some idiot hits ya anyway. But to run away after hitting someone is exuseless. should do some long time in prison with alot of unsupervised sex offenders. my 2 cents Scooterpimp..flg.
I have to agree that one of the problems with these bikes is that people see you and still think your going 5 or 10 mph. I've had that happen where someone looked right at me then still made a right hand turn infront of me. And I really thnink that's why. (I was fine). So its lucky they are so loud. Maybe giving a lil clue.
And yes lights!

I have had the exact thing happen to me on a fullsize motorcycle

The problem is that the human mind works on conditioning
The driver is looking to see if CARS are coming
If there is no CAR then it must be safe to pull out
When i was a kid my pops told me to watch what im doing & watch what the other person may or may not do when driving , riding & walking. & sometimes some idiot hits ya anyway. But to run away after hitting someone is exuseless. should do some long time in prison with alot of unsupervised sex offenders. my 2 cents Scooterpimp..flg.

The best advice I ever got or gave about driving

Think of the absolute stupidest thing the other driver can do and then expect them to do something stupider

Definitely Light em up
I'm getting to the point that I am going to have to start selling these things or build another garage

From the advice I have seen here anything I build for resale is going to have at least two brakes and a full lighting system including strobes

I believe that a small flashing light will draw their attention to you quicker without unduly distracting them
i dont see how he would have avoided it maybe with a head light he was traveling with traffic and the car turned i left proble a yeild only i wouldnt cast blame on the biker it was probly some pos texing and tuning the radio while putting makupe on i know suck people adn when you tell them to drive more carefully they go berserk and drive more eradically if i ever found this hit and run person i would not hesitate to hurt them or feel any remorse
People run because they can. Even when they are found the punishment does not fit the crime. Many of them run so you can't prove alcohol was involved. It is less of a crime to run than be caught intoxicated at the seen. The laws need to be changed. Many times when someone is hit they would have lived if help would have come. If you observe a hit and run when you report it you need to protect yourself by reporting it to more than one agency and involve the news media also. You never know who you are reporting.